Chapter 34

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Nagisa POV
The moment we got back to Japan, Akari's manager was on her ass, telling her to get back to acting. When her calls were ingnored she barged over to our house.

*knock, knock* "Akari! Where are you! You can't hide from me forever!"

Looking through the peephole, I saw her lanyard indicating she was from Akari's company. Unlocking the door, I slowly opened it.

"Uh, can I help you ma'am?"

"Um, excuse me! Who are you? And where is Akari?" She said, sass oozing out from every word.

"I am Nagisa Shiota. And my wife is in the shower right now. So, can I help you?" I responded, sure to let out a bit of killing intent.

"Oh, uh, um..." she looked scared, maybe I let out a little too much. "I uh..."

"Riki-san! Nice to see you here!" Akari came up to the door, pushing past me to hug the lady at the door.

"Oh Akari! Thank god! This guy was saying something about you being his wife! Crazy right, this shorty marrying you?!" The now named Riki chuckled at the though.

"What do you mean? Nagisa is my husband."


"Yeah we just came back from our honeymoon yesterday!"


"Oh and I should mention that I'm also pregnant with his baby!" Akari was happily relaying all this information. Unfortunately, it looks like Riki-San couldn't take it.

"Huh? NAN-" she was yelling when all of a sudden, she passed out. I caught her, and under Akari's instruction, brought her in and laid her down on the couch.

When she woke up, she seemed to have calmed down a bit. She saw the ring and Akari's baby bump, and understood. She agreed to hold off on any new gigs, saying that Akari was lucky that she finished filming for "Dragonfly."

"Next time you plan on getting pregnant, tell me first, okay?" Riki-san said as she stood in the doorway. Begrudgingly agreeing, we stood there as she got in her car and left.

After that, we went back to our normal lives. Well, kinda. I went back to Paradise High, teaching the students and addressing their individual needs. Despite our rocky start, we had begun to trust each other, to the point where the students started asking me for advice. I felt like Koro-sensei more and more every day.

As for Akari, she had to stay home, which proved to be difficult for such a boisterous person. She had picked up a lot of hobbies to help pass the time. Playing the piano, knitting, cooking, and she was quickly become an expert at all of them.

But for me, despite the improvements at school, the best part of my day was coming home to my beautiful wife.

One day, I had come back home, kissing Akari as usual.  I pulled back from the hug and put my hand on her belly. When I did, I felt a little push.

"Akari! I think I just felt a kick!" I exclaimed.

"Really?!" She put her hand under mine, and sure enough, another small push against her belly.

"This is amazing!" We both knew we were pregnant, I just don't think the gravity of bringing life into the world had hit us just yet. Words couldn't describe our emotions right now.


Another side effect of the pregnancy had started showing up recently. Cravings. Sometimes they were pretty normal, like sushi or pudding (of course). But other times...not so much. Like pickles with spicy mustard on top. Sounds disgusting, but it seemed like she thought it was delicious, so it is what it is.

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