Chapter 28

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Akari POV
A week later, I woke up feeling sick. Like sick sick. I didn't know what it was but I felt sick to my stomach. I got up and ran to the bathroom, vomiting in the toilet. I hadn't eaten much last night, but what I did was now in the bowl.

An hour passed, and I was still clutching the sides of the toilet. I had never vommitted so much in my life. I don't think I even ate that much food. It seemed to be done for now, so I slowly stood up. I went to take a shower, my face and hair covered in puke.

As I showered, I thought about what could've made me sick. I just ate Nagisa's yakitori last night, so food poisoning was out of the question. I doubt it was a stomach bug since I didn't have any other symptoms except for vomiting and stomach pain. Usually I get a fever or chills or something when I catch a bug. I didn't really know what it was, but I had my suspicions.

After changing into something comfortable and calling in sick, I grabbed a pregnancy test (which I kept in store ever since Nagisa and I started fucking like rabbits, you know, just in case), and I followed the directions. Then I waited. 5 excruciating minutes with just me and my thoughts as I sat on the bathroom floor.

'What if I am pregnant? What about my career? What about Nagisa? How would he react? Would this get in the way of his teaching?' Thoughts raced through my mind at a mile a minute, making up random, stupid hypotheticals until I finally came to a conclusion. 'It's Nagisa I'm talking about. Knowing him, he'd probably pamper me and take care of me the moment he found out so we could be in this together, right? I can't think of Nagisa taking this badly. I can't. I need someone by my side.'

All the while, as I was thinking, I had been staring at the test. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I saw a line appear. But then, another showed up forming a plus sign and I sucked that breath back in. I had to be sure so I tried another test. And another. Until I had used up all of them. But they all showed the same result.
I was pregnant.


Two days had passed, and I still hadn't told Nagisa. Since he always had class early, I was able to hide my morning sickness. But this had gone on long enough. I needed someone by my side. I needed to tell him.


Nagisa came home from school after a busy day of testing. "I'm home!"

I was already sitting in the kitchen, clutching my stomach as I sipped on some tea. "Welcome back honey! I made some tea!" I said gesturing to the seat across from me.

He sat down and took his cup. "Thanks dear." I just looked at him, not knowing how to start the conversation. He must've noticed (he always does). "Akari, you okay? Something you need to talk about?"

How he read me like this, I'll never know. Taking a deep breath I started. "Actually yeah, there's something I need to tell you."

He sipped his tea, gesturing for me to continue.

"Well you remember our anniversary? And what we did after breakfast?" We both blushed slightly as he nodded. "Well about that...I..."

I had to get it out. "I...I..."

I needed to tell him.

"I'm...I...I'm pregnant!" I blurted out, finally getting it off my chest.

He furrowed his eyebrows, obviously startled and thinking hard, but I couldn't take the silence.

"I knew it! You're mad at me!" I started sobbing. "It's my fault! I came onto you an-" my cries were stifled by his warm embrace. He pulled back slightly, placing his hands on my cheek, his thumbs wiping my tears, his gentle eyes staring into mine.

"Mad? I could never be mad, Akari! I'm ecstatic!" He was smiling ear to ear, just like Koro-sensei used to. "I know we didn't expect this, but now that it's happened, I can't be anything but overjoyed!"

He looked genuinely happy. I cried again, this time tears of joy. Joy that I wasn't alone. Joy that I was with Nagisa. Joy that we were pregnant.

"Well, since you surprised me, I guess it's my turn to return the favor..." Nagisa's words pulled me out of my thoughts as I felt him leave the embrace. I could see him reach into his shirt pocket, and, all of a sudden, he was in front of me, on one knee.

Holding my hands in his, he started. "Akari, I met you a long time ago on that fateful day in class E. You came and fixed my hair and we instantly became the best of friends. We were always together, and you gave me the strength and courage that I lacked back then. Even when we were 'just friends'" he said, emphasizing the quotes around friends, "my feelings for you grew. I never wanted you to leave my side. Even when I found out 'it was all a lie,' I still had feelings for you. Ever since that kiss, I've been sure of it. I love you, as Kayano, as Haruna, as Akari, as anyone."

"I thought I lost you once. But you're here with me now, and I'm never letting you go. We've been together the last 7 years, through thick and thin. We grew up together, became adults together. We did everything together."

"And now, Akari, you are carrying our baby, an eternal testament to our love. We will be together to raise that child, to have a family, to live a happy life."

"Let's continue to do life together. Forever."

"Akari Yukimura, Kaede Kayano, Haruna Mase, my best friend, the love of my life, will you do me the honor of being my wife, now and forever?"

He presented me a beautiful ring, blue and green gems encircling a large diamond. I had been tearing up as I heard his speech. As I heard his love for me. As he presented me that ring. Even from the floor of the kitchen, it was perfect.

For me, there was only one answer.

"Yes! A million times, yes! Nagisa Shiota, of course I will marry you!" I kissed him, pulling him into a hug as tears rolled down my face the third time that night.

"Then, let's make it official!" He took my hand and gently slid the ring on, a perfect fit. Just like me and Nagisa.

"I love you Nagisa." I whispered as we held each other tightly.

"I love you too, Akari. Now and forever."


Wooo! Lots of plot! That's right, Akari's pregnant! I'll tie this into the rest of the actual AC plot in the next chapter.
I hope the huge concentration of plot makes up for the huge delay. I've just been busy with the start of school, so finding time to upload the story is hard. Updates will be slower and more sporadic but they will still be coming so don't forget about me!
Anyways, as always, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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