Chapter 25

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Lemon warning! If you are too young or don't want to read sexually explicit material, please skip this chapter!


Nagisa POV
When the bathroom door opened, Akari stepped out wearing a short transparent white dress. I could easily see her bra and panties, making my face blush and my member rise.

"Well Nagisa, I remembered what you told me about your mom, and I wanted to prove to you that someone loves you for the man you are..." she wore a seductive tone as she walked towards me. "That someone loves your man parts for what they are..." She threw the covers off and gently grabbed my bulge, leaning in to whisper that last line in my ear. Then, she pounced on me.

Her mouth found my neck. She gently kissed my nape, licking it, with every breath of hers driving me wild. She moved down, planting her mouth all over my neck while her hand moved down further. As one hand slipped under my shirt, the other squeezed my dick gently through my pants. She twisted my nipple at the same time, making me moan even louder.

"Ooh, ahhh, A-Akariiii... that feels soooo goood..." I moaned her name out into the air.

"Oooo, someone likes to have their nipples played with, do they? What if I did this..." she teased, tracing her finger down my chest before removing my shirt entirely, exposing my well-toned abs.

"Wow, Nagisa. I never knew you were so handsome. If I did, maybe I would come onto you sooner..." She brought her face to my abs and started kissing her way up. Leaving a trail of saliva, she made her way to my chest and began to lick around my pecs, getting closer and closer as she tasted my skin.

She reached the nipple and flicked her tongue across, earning a moan from me. Noticing that, she kissed the area gently before moving to the nipple again and sucking on it deeply. At the same time, her hand played with my other nipple as she simultaneously caressed my staff, still through my pants. She switched to the other side, giving it the same treatment.

I was moaning continuously at this point, almost at my limit just from her teasing. "Ah-Akari... oh, it feels, ah, too good... ahh! I'm gonna... gonna..."

"Yes Nagisa. Cum for me. Cum for Akari. Let out all you delicious juices. Let it out for me..." she whispered seductively, still twisting my nipple and playing through my pants. When she brought her head back down, the feeling of her breath on my neck was the last straw.

"A-A-Akariiii!!!" I yelled out, my duck throbbing in her hand. Cum poured out and into my pants, soaking them. I kept cumming, releasing the biggest load I've ever had.

I had masturbated before, but I had never cum like this. I was in pure euphoria, each one of Akari's touches sending me into a daze.

"Mmm, good job Nagisa. Look at all this cum..." she licked her lips. "Let's get these pants off of you, so I can get my treat..."

She gently pulled off my pants and underwear, discarding my pants to the side. The she took my boxers and brought them to her face, inhaling deeply.

"Mmmm, smells like you Nagisa..." she winked at me seductively. "I wonder what it tastes like..." she stuck her tongue out and put her face inside the underwear. Her tongue licked up the now slimy material, collecting all of my sperm. She showed me the mess on her tongue, even blowing a bubble with it, before swallowing it completely.

"Ahhhh, tastes delicious! Just like you..." she was still in a seductive mood, licking up all the cum off her face, savoring every last drop.

After the time she just gave me, I had to return the favor. I got up from the bed, not caring that I was naked, before locking the door and walking towards her.

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