Chapter 4

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"Kayano!" I yelled as she walked backwards

"It's okay Nagisa. I'm just going to go now" she said running off. 'How am I going to explain this!'

I closed the door, sighing, and told my mom I was going to bed. She told me to weary the female pajamas on my bed, to which I begrudgingly accepted. I sulked upstairs, changed into the quite uncomfortable sleepwear, and fell into my bed. I spent all night thinking about how to explain what just happened.

On Monday, as I headed up the mountain, I saw Kayano. 'I should explain to her.'

"Hey Kayano, about Friday..." I started

"It's okay, really, Nagisa. You don't have to explain it to me. Everyone has their own kinks." she said sympathetically.

'It's good that she understan- wait, what! Oh crap! She thinks I have a fetish or something! I guess I may have popped a boner in the panties, but not like I get off on crossdressing!' I tried to clear it up. "No, no, you misundersto-" I was interrupted.

"It okay, I don't care. I'll just pretend like nothing happened" she said as cheerful as ever. "Oh wait here's your notebook! I forget to give it to you when I came to your house!" she handed my math notebook.

"O-ok" I replied, not really knowing what just happened. I hoped this wouldn't make things awkward.

Kayano POV
When I went to Nagisa's house to return his notebook, I was not expecting that! He was dressed up like a girl, makeup and all! I couldn't really tell, but it also looked like he was wearing a bra! I guess everyone has different fetishes, who am I to judge. (To be fair, I can't say I didn't get a little wet at a crossdressed Nagisa. Maybe I'm the one with the fetish...)

After our little "talk" on Monday, I let Nagisa go ahead so it wouldn't be too awkward. However, as I watched him walk up the mountain (Not that I was staring or anything!), I noticed a slight limp, similar to earlier this year.

We were the first ones there with about half an hour to spare, so I decided to ask him about it. "Hey Nagisa... I noticed you limping a little. It looked just like earlier this year. Are you ok?" genuine worry on my face.

"Yeah I'm okay, thanks for asking though. Just tripped earlier. No need to worry" Nagisa assured me, startled at first, but slipping into the fake smile he used when lying.

"What about earlier this year" I pressed him, not at all satisfied with his answer.

"Guess I'm clumsy" he shrugged, trying to play it off as the truth.

"Oh, ok." I didn't believe a word he said. Nagisa was a lot of things: kind, friendly, observant (cute, sexy ... No, stop!) but clumsy was not one of them. He was quick on his feet and one of the most stable people I've met, physically and mentally. Still, he obviously didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't push further. But I'll get to the bottom of this. One day.

Nagisa POV
I can't tell if she bought it, but she seems to have let it go. As much as I wanted to tell someone and share my pain, I couldn't burden her with my issues. She's too special to have to deal with the issues of a loser like me.

But it's nice to see her worried for me. I blushed at the thought of a cute girl worrying over me. (Cute? No, Kayano is just your friend. Get those dirty thought out of your head!)

That day passed by uneventful, but I went home with a smile, happy that someone cared.


Kayano POV
It had been a few days since my "odd" encounter at Nagisa's house. I woke up, showered, got ready, and headed to the mountain. As usual, I followed Nagisa up from a distance. I unconsciously found myself staring at Nagisa walking up to class. I blushed a little as I looked up and down his body, well toned from Karasuma-sensei's training (especially his ass. Like damn!). My heart fluttered as I thought of Nagisa, images of him blushing filling my mind. 'I wonder why he does this to me...'

School started with our fruitless assassination attempts before settling into first period. Koro-sensei was going over the math homework from yesterday, so I zoned out a little.

I found myself staring at Nagisa again, my chin resting on my hand. My heart fluttered once more when I saw the look in his eyes. He was so focused, so observant. He was taking in the lesson all while focusing on his target.

'I don't understand why I feel like this. He's just a fake friend that I'm using, right?' But when I thought of him again, a light blush subconsciously reached my cheeks. I spent the rest of the day thinking. Thinking about a certain blue haired classmate.


Sorry for the shorter chapter this time. Next chapter will be a lot more interesting (a certain villain appears!).
As always, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are welcome.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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