Chapter 32

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Nagisa POV
I paced nervously around the room, leaving marks in the floor where I kept walking over the same spot. I was sweating bullets at the same time, desperately wiping my face to keep the suit clean. To say I was nervous would be like saying the ocean was wet. It felt like I was falling into an eternal pit of anxiety and worry. Then, a press on the back of my neck brought me back, stabilizing my brainwaves.

"Oi, oi! You need to calm down Nagisa! Everything will be fine! You both love each other too much. Everyone knew this day was coming since the day you two met. Just take a deep breath. You are a match made in heaven." Karma could be quite a supportive best friend, even if you couldn't see it through his sadistic exterior.

"But what if something goes wrong? What if the building collapses on us or...or... Akari goes into labor? Or what if-"

"No!" he practically yelled at me. "Everything will be fine. The building was strengthened by Koro-sensei. Akari is only 2 months pregnant. And if anything else happens, you have a whole class of trained assassins ready to help you. Got that, buddy?" Karma's statement was reaffirmed by the groomsmen standing behind us.

Once I had calmed down, it was already time for the ceremony. Wiping my face off one last time, I checked my hair in the mirror and made my way out.  I walked slowly towards the altar where Karasuma-sensei was waiting for me.

I took my place to the right of the altar as the groomsmen and bridesmaids started walking in together. I had to say, the hair thing turned out quite nice.

As everyone filed into place, I looked into the crowd, focusing on the two empty seats in the front row, only occupied by a plush yellow octopus and a picture frame. The seats reserved for Koro-sensei and Yukimura-sensei. I teared up a little as I remembered everything that had happened in this yard. I felt Karma's hand on my shoulder as I wiped away my tears. Today was not a day for crying.

While I was reminiscing, everyone had arrived and the ceremony was about to begin. Irina-sensei started playing the piano, and I could feel Akari's wavelengths just on the other side of the veil across the yard. It slowly parted, revealing my beautiful fiancé, soon to be bride.

She was wearing a lacy dress with a princess neckline and embroidered with pearls. It was absolutely stunning, more so with her in it. Her wavy brown locks fell on her shoulders, her face covered by a thin veil. She was perfect.

She walked up slowly to the altar, being escorted by her father whom she had reconnected with. Grabbing my hands, she stood across from me, and I lifted the veil. Gazing at her beautiful face, I couldn't help but have a nose bleed.

Cleaning it up quickly, Karasuma began the service.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the joining of Shiota Nagisa and Yukimura Akari in holy matrimony..."

He continued, but I wasn't paying attention. My eyes were on my bride, her amber eyes piercing deep into my blue ones. I couldn't help but stare in awe at her. She was truly perfect, better than I deserve.

But before I know it, it was time for the vows.

"Akari, ever since the day you gave me this hairstyle," I said, pointing to my cat-tails, "I knew that there was something about you. Something that drew me closer, that wanted to be near to you. Our friendship blossomed and grew until we were more than best friends. We loved each other then, 7 years ago, and we love each other now. And now, I promise to love you to the end of time and beyond. Whatever comes next, I can't wait to do it with you. Akari Yukimura, I love you." With a big smile on my face, I slid the ring onto her finger.

Then, she began her own vows. "Nagisa, we met with a lie. But as we became friends and you drew close to me, you saw through that lie. Nagisa, you saw me at my worst. You saw the real me, and you loved me, even when I was filled with nothing but rage and revenge. Even after all that, you've only shown me love. You pulled me out of the dark place and gave me a wonderful life. These last 7 years have been perfect, and I can't wait for the happy memories to come as a family." She said rubbing her belly. "For that and a trillion reasons more, I love you. I can't wait to spend our future and all of eternity with you. Whatever is to come, I'll be there by your side just like you'll be at mine. Nagisa Shiota, I love you." She slipped the ring onto my finger this time.

"You may now kiss th-"

I didn't wait for him to finish, pulling Akari in and leaning forward to give her a passionate, love filled 40 hit kiss. Everyone applauded (Irina-sensei more proud of my kissing work than anything) as we pulled apart hand in hand.

I was married to the love of my life, and I couldn't be happier.


Double daily updates?! Impossible! Who are you and what have you done with author-sama?!
Lol, anyways, I really wanted to write their wedding chapter, more so since I'm more excited to write the honeymoon chapter. Sorry that this one was short, but I actually tried my best to extend it from what I had in my paper notes.
But the next chapter will be longer. Much longer. And it will be a lemon, which seemed to be popular. My last one got like double the normal amount of views.
Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are always welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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