Chapter 14

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Nagisa POV
It had been a few days, and Bitch-sensei had not returned. It seems like it really bothered her. But she's gotten rejected before, and she was fine. What was different about this time?

Until she returned, Koro-sensei went back to teaching us English. He only taught us grammar and things, leaving the pronunciation and speaking for when she returned.

One day, while Koro-sensei was away in Brazil for a soccer game, we were sent a message saying that Bitch-sensei had been captured. Of course, we couldn't just sit back and do nothing, so we came up with a plan to rescue her. Otherwise, what good were all these assassination skills?

By the time that Koro-sensei would've returned, we were long gone. We had all geared up, wearing our soldier like PE uniforms. The message had directed us to a large building out in the middle of nowhere, probably a warehouse.

After checking the perimeter, we all walked inside of the building, only to find one huge room. We looked around to see if there was anything here when suddenly the room started to move down, like an elevator.

When we reached the bottom, there was an entrance to what looked like a sewer. Quietly, we snuck through, silently exporting the dark tunnels. Then out of nowhere, we found a single man standing in the middle of the tunnels.

It was the same man who had sold us the flowers. "Oh great! You're all here! Makes my life a lot easier, now that I don't have to look for you! You look confused! Oh that's right! You might remember me as the flower shop guy, but I prefer to be called the Reaper" he explained, a sickening smile on his face.

"Where's our teacher!!!" Terasaka charged at him only to be taken down with ease.

After seeing how easily he took down Terasaka, easily our strongest member in brute force, we were limited in our choices. There was no way we could overpower him, he was too strong. Makes sense considering he's the greatest assassin in the world.

As the best assassin of our class, I stepped up. Sneaking up on him was out of the question now that he knew we were here, so I had to go for a more direct method. I walked up to him and tried to use the clap stunner.

He was unfazed. "How pathetic. If your teacher, Lovro, couldn't stop me, what chance do you think you have?" He said smugly, kicking me across the room. "If you all don't surrender now, I'll kill your precious teacher over there." He gestured towards Bitch-sensei who was tied up unconscious.

We had no choice but to surrender. Even though we had come to rescue her, now it looks like we were the ones in need of rescue. All we could do was wait for Koro-sensei and Karasuma-sensei to come.

The reaper put explosive collars around our necks and pushed us into a cell. Some of us were injured from the fight, so we tended the wounds with what we had on us. Now we had to wait.


After an hour or two, we couldn't really tell, Koro-sensei dropped through a hole in the ceiling. We were obviously relieved that he was here, but not that he was with us in the cell.

When he tried to touch the grate, his hand exploded on contact. It was covered with anti-sensei material, so we were definitely stuck.

While Koro-sensei talked to the reaper, Karasuma appeared on the other side of the grate. Looks like the government was willing to help any assassin who wanted to try killing Koro-sensei.

Out of nowhere, a shot rang out, exploding another one of Koro-sensei's tentacles. It couldn't have been from the Reaper, he was just standing there in front of us. We traced the path of the bullet and found Bitch-sensei, standing unharmed holding a smoking gun.

"Bitch-sensei?!?!" we all shouted. She had betrayed us. She didn't care what happened to us as long as Koro-sensei died.

"Don't act so surprised. I'm an assassin after all. Being with you brats just distracted me from my job." She was cold, any familiarity gone. "When this place floods with water, you'll all die, but so will that thing, so it doesn't matter"

That was the last straw for Karasuma-sensei. "That's enough!" He shouted. "You can hurt me, but you may not lay a hand on the kids!" I guess he does actually care for us.

"What do I care? As long as he dies, I get my money! Water will be coming in any moment now, and I don't plan on being here when it does. See ya!" The Repaer ran off. Karasuma-sensei quickly followed, trying to stop him.

After a moment, Bitch-sensei started walking away. "Wait Irina-sensei! Where are you goin?" We all yelled at her.

"Huh, showing some respect now that your life depends on it. Hmphh! Too late! No matter, I'm going to kill Karasuma. He won't get in the way of our plans." She walked off, not waiting for a response.

Meanwhile, we were stuck in the cell. None of us had much on us, and Koro-sensei was useless to help right now. Luckily Itona had a screwdriver on him, so we were able to remove the collars. We placed them in a pile next to the wall and camouflaged against the opposite one. Hopefully, the Reaper would see it and think we'd escaped, stopping him from releasing the water.

All we could hear now was the distant rumble of explosions. One of us had a walkie talkie on us, so we tuned into Karasuma's frequency.

"Sensei! Are you alright!"

"I'm fine!" He panted, obviously tired yet still moving. "Irina is trapped under some rubble though. I'll leave her there."

"What?! No! Go save her! Who cares if she betrayed us? She's still a person!" We yelled at him. How could he be so cold.

"Get off this line, I need to focus." And with that he disconnected. We had no idea what was happening up there. All we knew was that Koro-sensei had snuck a tentacle out between the grates to provide some support.

Eventually, we heard back from Karasuma. He and Bitch-sensei were both fine. He had almost beat the Reaper before the assassin disappeared again.

We escaped from the cell, confused and frightened. But we were all safe now, and that was all that mattered. We even welcomed Bitch-sensei back into the fold. She may have been a bitch, but she was our bitch.

We all went home, shook up and exhausted from everything that had happened.


Alright that's the last action chapter for a while, next will be some Nagikae moments! Wooo! They're so much easier to write, but these chapters lay some good groundwork for the story and whatnot.
Anyways, you know the drill. Comments, questions, grammar, and ideas below.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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