Chapter 21

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Nagisa POV
It had been a week since graduation. Class E was still recoiling from the loss of Koro-sensei, but, luckily, we had each other. Me and Akari spent a lot of time together the last week, mourning Koro-sensei or just having fun.

High school placement exam results also came back, and Akari and I both decided to go to Keisetsu Daigaka Fuzoku High School. I went there so I could go to Keisetsu University and become a teacher, while Akari just wanted to spend a few more years as a kid before she went back to acting. Not to mention so we'd be together.

We hadn't decided whether or not to tell the class about us. I mean, we haven't even gone on a date yet. Plus, since none of them are coming to the same school, we didn't have to tell them.

"Akari, do you think we should tell the class about us?" We were just hanging out at my house watching a movie on the couch.

"Hmm, I don't know. Like, I don't really want to... I want to keep you all to myself!" She hugged me and nuzzled into my chest.

"Yeah, then we can avoid all the teasing. At least we can act like a couple at school though"

"Yeah that'll be nice. Plus if everyone knows you're taken, no one will confess or anything."

"Why are you worried? I should be! Pretty, kind, cheerful, amazing: who wouldn't want to confess to you?!"

"Well, it took you a whole year sooo..." she teased.

"Hey, why'd you bring that up?" I pouted and turned my head away, throwing a fake tantrum.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you..." she whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. She crawled into my lap, turning so she could face me before leaning in. I shook my head in faux protest, not letting her win that easily. She couldn't get my lips, so she went for the next best thing: my neck.

She hugged me close, putting her head on my shoulder. I could feel her breath on the nape of my neck, making me shudder.

"Ooh, someone likes it on their neck... so what happens if I do this..." she whispered seductively, bringing her head closer her tongue slowly went up the back of my neck, making circles around the sensitive area. My breathing got heavy and erratic. My head rolled back, facing forward again.

She planted a kiss on my neck. Then another. And another. She kept going down from the back of my neck to my chest. At each stop she licked and nibbled at my skin, drawing soft moans from me.

Finally, she brought her head up, cupped my face in her hands, and kissed me. Her tongue slipped into my mouth. I let it explore, allowing it to caress my own. I moaned into her mouth before tasting her sweet, sweet saliva. She pulled away, still sitting on my lap. (Luckily, I had jeans on, so she couldn't tell I had a raging hard-on)

"Apology accepted..." I mumbled

"I'm sure. I think I'll stay like this though. Quite comfy." She leaned forward into me, her chest in mine, her head on my shoulder.

"Akari?" I prompted.


"Would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday?"

"I'd love to, Nagisa" she moaned into my neck.

"Then it's a date! Oh, and don't worry about getting dressed. You'll look beautiful in anything" I told her. 'Though, I think I'd prefer her in nothing...No! Bad Nagisa!'

"Mmmm" her face was buried in my neck, so everything came out as a moan or a mumble. We sat there, embracing each other while we watched the movie. Soon, we fell asleep, both of us now lying down in the couch next to each other.

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