Chapter 16

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Nagisa POV
A few days had passed since our candy shop adventure, and I found myself enjoying my time with Kayano even more. We hung out a lot and just had fun, as best friends of course.

But today, something was off. She was as cheerful as always, but it seemed a little forced. I didn't pry. If she wanted to tell me she would.

Kayano POV
The last few days with Nagisa were great, and I found myself having fun and just being carefree when I was around him. But right now I couldn't let that distract me. Today was the day. It was time for me to get revenge on that murderer.

In class today, I forced myself to be as cheerful and bubbly as ever, a hard task with my hatred and anger starting to boil over inside. Luckily, I made it through the day without anyone noticing. (But Nagisa look a little concerned...Whatever. It doesn't matter. He'll soon know I was just using him anyway)

Everything was set. In the shed next to the classroom, it was just Nagisa, me, and my target. As they cleaned, I prepared myself. In order for this to work, I had to catch him off guard. So when he was looking away, I released my tentacles and opened the pitfall.

"Eh- Kayano?!" Koro-sensei yelled out, confused. I'm sure Nagisa was watching too.

"I've been watching you all year, waiting for my chance. I had the best seat in class to watch every assassin try to kill you. And the most effective of them all was a simple pitfall!" I was shouting, everything going according to plan.

He scrambled looking for a way out. This was my chance! I closed the gap between us, both of us accelerating down. Out of nowhere, he started to collect energy into his hand. Startled, I backed up for a second, giving him enough time to escape.

I jumped out of the hole, straight through the shed, and landed on top of the classroom. I saw Koro-sensei panting, kneeling in a crater in the field.

"Aww man, looks like I underestimated you. I'll let you know when I kill you next. You won't survive a second time." I snarled at him, tentacles still waving in the air.

"Why Kayano?!" the target cried out

"Kaede Kayano's not my real name. I'm Aguri Yukimura's sister, Akari!"

Nagisa POV
I could only stand in shock. Kayano had tentacles?! How didn't I notice? I'm her best friend, right? Then, when she looked down at us from the classroom, she revealed that she was Aguri Yukimura's sister.

"Yukimura...wait..." one of my classmates exclaimed.

It all came back to me. Aguri Yukimura. Class 3-E's original teacher. But she died in an accident right before Koro-sensei came.

"You get it now murderer?!" she yelled at Koro-sensei before taking off into the sky. Her face was different, cruel. Like it belonged to someone else.

How could she be Yukimura-sensei's sister? Where did she get tentacles? And what's this about Koro-sensei being a murderer? Questions filled my head. I was so confused. My best friend wasn't even who she said she was, and I didn't have any answers.

"Koro-sensei! What happened?" someone yelled.

"I don't know class, but first we have to get Kayano back. I know firsthand the toll that tentacles take on the human body."

We left confused, with no answers in sight. Hurt, I looked out the window of the classroom.

Where are you Kayano?


Unfortunately, even with Koro-sensei's speed, we couldn't find Kayano. It seemed like we'd have to wait for her to come back to us, but there was no telling when that would happen. We tried to go back to normal, but none of us could focus after what happened, especially not me.

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