Chapter 30

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Nagisa POV
It had been a few days since my first day of work and the class reunion. Before everyone got busy again, I kinda wanted to see them. But first, I had a question for Akari.

"Hey, Akari. Since we're getting married, don't you think we should, you know, tell the rest of the class?"

"I was thinking the same thing! Plus with the baby coming, we'll need all the help we can get!"

"Then what do you say we meet up with everyone to tell them?" I offered

"Hmm, well, everyone like just met up so calling everyone together so soon...probably not so nice." She made a good point. It was kinda my fault we didn't tell everyone. "But how about something small? Maybe we can just meet up with Karma and Okuda, since we have something to ask them anyway?"

"That's a good idea. Here, I'll call him now." I took out my phone and started scrolling through the contacts. Lucky for me, Karma hadn't changed his number since back then.

*ring, ring* The phone dialed his number and called. I sat listening to the dial tone until I heard someone pick up.

"Hello?" I was greeted by Karma's voice, which had only gotten even deeper since back then.

"Hey Karma, it's Nagisa!" I was met with silence, but I could feel his scowl through the phone. "Hey Karma. You there?"

"Give me one reason not to hang up right now." He was literally growling at me.

"I want to give you some news. It's about Kayano. But why are you so angry?" I asked. That was a mistake my eardrums are still recoiling from.

"Why am I angry?! WHY AM I ANGRY!!!!" His tone was furious, like he wanted to throttle someone, preferably me. "My best friend up and leaves for 7 years. 7. YEARS. Doesn't call me. Doesn't text me. Doesn't even send a damn letter. And you want to ask me why I'm angry?!"

"Uh, yeah, not my proudest moment. But I can explain everything, just let's meet up in person. Bring your girlfriend too, I have something to ask the both of you." I tried my best to calm him down. "Meet me at the café on Hikaro Street at 4 pm. Please. Do it for me. As your friend."

"Hmmph! Fine!" And with that, he hung up.

"Wow he sounded angry." Akari noted.

"Can't blame him. I didn't talk to him for 7 years now." I said, scratching the back of my head nervously before glancing at the clock. "Anyways, it's already 2:30. Let's get ready.

We left the house at 3:45 since the cafe was close by. When we arrived at 3:55, we got a booth for 4 and sat down. We waited for a little bit until we heard the bell on the door ring. We saw a tall redhead holding hands with a girl with purplish pigtails. Waving them over, Okuda sat across Akari, and there was a free spot across from me for Karma. But he had another idea.

He walked up to me and lifted me into the air by my collar, my legs dangling.

"Hey Karma, how are you?" I asked, as if nothing was happening.

"What did you want to tell me?" He said, still scowling at me.

"Sit down and I'll tell you." Dropping me, he took his seat next to Okuda, and I took mine. "First of all, I want to apologize for not keeping in touch. I got distracted a little, and I forgot what was really important: our friendship." I tried to appease his anger with flowery words. True, but still unnecessarily flowery. "But not that you're here, I have something to tell you."

"We're engaged!" Akari blurted it out before I could say it.

"What?! How? I thought you were both focusing on your careers!" Karma was shocked. I'm happy he didn't order tea.

"That's true, but...actually, I never told you did I? After graduation, I finally confessed to Akari, and we've been dating ever since. The last 7 years we were together, and just recently something happened that told me it was the right time to propose." I explained.

It was silent for a second before Karma smacked me upside the head. "All this happened, and you didn't think to tel my your best friend?" Gone was his scowl, replaced by his signature smirk.

"Glad to see you care so much!" I sarcastically quipped. "But, uh, that's not all! We're pregnant too!"

"Damn, Nagisa! Not even married and you're knocking her up! Never knew you were such a player!" Karma teased.

"Thanks, I guess?" I was confused as to whether that was a compliment or not. A smack to my head answered my question.

"No, not thanks! You're my precious, innocent little Nagisa!" Akari squeezed my face, my cheeks turning red from the attention.

"Uh, huh, anyways...we were wondering..."

"Will you guys be out best man and maid of honor?" Akari finished my thought. She had zero patience today.

Karma started his reply. "Well, I don't know...I just met you for the first time i-"

"We'll do it!" Okuda cut him off. "We're so happy for you, right Karma?"

"Yes ma'am" Karma sighed.

"Thanks Manami! We really appreciate it!" Akari said, smiling.

I chuckled at the sight of a sulking Karma. "Who would've guessed? The great Karma bossed around by Okuda!"

"Shut up." I was happy to see we were back to being comfortable with each other again. Just like the good old days.

We spent a few hours together, talking about everything we did for the last 7 years. Karma took a picture of Akari and I hugging while she showed off her ring. He sent the picture in the 3-E group chat to announce our engagement. Then I sent a picture of our ultrasound to announce that we were expecting. Everyone congratulated us, with Sugino even calling us. It felt good to be back with friends. It felt good to be in class E.


Hey y'all! It's me again. Today's chapter is a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to get you guys something.
I'll try my best to do weekly uploads, but they might a little shorter like today's. If there's a chapter that ends up being way longer, it might be a little later.
As for consistency, I'll try. Usually I have time on Sunday's after church, but that might change depending on the amount of homework. Plus I might get busy with clubs and stuff, but I'll put an announcement if I'm going to be late.

Also! Thanks for 1K reads! That's crazy! I never expected to get one much less one thousand! Thank you so much to everyone!

Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are always welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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