Chapter 17

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Kayano POV
I woke up in a hospital, gown and all. I tried to open my eyes, blinking to adjust to the bright light. Once I got used to it, I brought my right arm to my neck. Gone. The tentacles were gone.

'Wait, what happened? I just hit Koro-sensei's heart and then...and then...' I started to blush when a I realized that Nagisa kissed me. 'OMG, omg, he kissed me! And it was soooo good!' I relished the memory.

When I tried to move my left arm (just to check that everything still worked), I felt a lot of resistance. First, I thought that I may have broken it during the fight. But then I looked down and saw a blue-haired head lying on it. 'Eeek! He slept with me! Well next to me but... Ahhh!' I sighed contentedly before lightly shaking my arm to wake him up.

"How long was I out?" He yawned while rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know, I just woke up too" I smiled at him.

"Ok Kayano" he said groggily. "Wait, Kayano! You're up!" He realized and then wrapped me in a tight hug. I liked it. A little too much maybe. He then let me go when he realized what he did, a huge blush on his face (I'm sure I had one too).

"What happened?" I asked

"Well after- you know..." he twiddled his fingers nervously. "You passed out and Koro-sensei removed your tentacles. Then we brought you here to recover. Everyone's been visiting and taking turns watching, but I always stayed even if someone else was on guard. I had to be here to make sure you were safe." he recounted the whole story.

"How long has it been?"

"About 3 days now"

"You stayed that long for me?" I was happy to see how much he cared.

"Yeah, I never left your side. My mom's away for business so I could stay here as long as I wanted." He shrugged, maybe a little embarrassed.

"What about the doctors and stuff? Do they even let people stay overnight?"

"Usually no, but I told them I was your only family, so they let me stay..." he looked down, definitely embarrassed now.

"I'd- Thank you, Nagisa." I was about to say that I'd love for him to be my family, but that's probably too far.

"Of course. What are best friends for?" he answered, half making me happy, half breaking my heart.

The good news was that Nagisa still wanted to be my friend even after everything I just put him through. The bad news was that he didn't feel anything more than that. 'But no friend stays 3 days overnight in a hospital to watch their friend. He has to care for you a little bit.' I hid under the covers to hide my blush, a result of thinking of Nagisa as my boyfriend.

I didn't know what to do. I liked- no, loved- Nagisa, and all I could think about right now was the kiss. His soft lips touching mine. The warmth of his tongue as it explored my mouth. His sky blue eyes staring back into mine.

"Say Kayano..." his calm and gentle voice soothed me, easing my restlessness.

"Yes?" I squeaked, peeking just my eyes above the blanket so he couldn't see me blushing.

"What do you want us to call you? You know, since you're not really Kaede Kayano." His question was genuine, no hatred in his voice. Still it broke my heart to know that I betrayed my best friend, my crush, my first love to the point where he doesn't even know what to call me.

"You guys can still call me Kayano. The name kinda grew on me." I got out of the blanket and smiled. "So, are we still friends? Even after I betrayed you?" I asked sadly, expecting him to slap me and storm out hating me.

"Of course! Like I said, you may have come under false pretenses, but the fun us two had together, and as a class, was real. I wouldn't want anyone else as my best friend." Nagisa was so nice. He could've rejected me. Betrayed me like I did him. But he chose to stay by my side.

"Really?! Thank you Nagisa!" I hugged him again. There was no doubt about it. I loved Nagisa.

"Hey, I'm sure everyone else wants to talk to you. I can't hog you for myself!" He chuckled softly.

"But I want you to. I want be yours alone Nagisa. Forever."

Is what I wanted to say. "Sure just give me a moment!" I lied, no matter how much I wanted to confess then and there.

I didn't care if I saw anyone else, just Nagisa. But I'm sure they were worried, and after all I put them through, they deserve at least this much. So, I sat up and tried to get ready. Nagisa noticed and came to help me. He pulled two hair bands out of his pocket and did up my hair.

"See, now we're twins!" he smiled, harking back to the first day we met. "Alright, I'll bring some people in."

He left to go get some of my other friends, like Okuda and Kanzaki, but he was the only one on my mind.

'I love you Nagisa'


Nagisa POV
A few days had passed, and today would be Kayano's first day back. That also meant that we would finally get some answers about Koro-sensei's past.

I walked Kayano from the hospital, just to make sure she was okay (Plus, I'm never gonna turn down an opportunity to spend time with her). She was doing a lot better, and I was happy that things didn't get awkward between us.

The moment we entered the classroom, her friends were all over her, so I went and sat down. We all waited patiently for Koro-sensei to come so he could explain what was happening.

Once he entered, we bombarded him with questions. "Are you a murderer? Who are you? What happened to Yukimura-sensei?" He assured us that everything would be answered in time. He then began to recount his tale.

"It all began many, many years ago when I first met the Reaper..."

Time Skip (Because I don't have time to write his whole life story)

"So you didn't kill Yukimura-sensei?" I asked

"No, I could never. I loved her more than anything." Koro-sensei replied sadly.

It was nice to know that our current teacher didn't kill our previous teacher, but it was still a lot of information to take in. We all sat there, thinking about everything.


Get ready for some good Nagikae from here on out. Only one more real "story" part, and I think I can manage to sneak some in there as well.
Feel free to leave comments, questions, grammar, and ideas below.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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