Chapter 2

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Nagisa POV
The next day, after enduring some silent torture from my mother, I was walking up the mountain to class, trying my best to walk normally. I was first as always, which meant no one had to see me walking till lunch when it would hopefully be fine. However, Kayano-san came in moments after, meaning she definitely saw me walking up.

"Good morning, Nagisa!" She smiled at me as if nothing had happened.

I took this as a sign that she didn't know anything before replying. "Good morning, Kayano-san!"

She sat down in her seat, as cheerful as ever. We then both got some work out of our bags to pass the time till class started or someone else arrived.

Kayano POV
After waking up earlier than usual, I had decided to go to school and wait there since my apartment was too lonely. When I got to the base of the mountain, I saw someone a few paces ahead. I followed slowly, leaving some space between us so they would hear me.

They were walking weirdly, limping almost, piquing my interest. 'Who were they?' I looked carefully and noticed a lock of sky blue hair peeking out from under their hoodie. That instantly answered my question.

When I saw it was Nagisa, I took a few steps back and wondered why he was walking so weird. Then I realized we were still an hour early. If Nagisa was coming this early, he probably wanted to hide something, maybe his walk, from the rest of the class.

When I entered the classroom after him, I decided to play it off like I didn't know anything was wrong. I greeted him with a cheerful good morning. He didn't seem to notice anything was up, replying with a smile, obviously fake, but then focusing back on his desk.

I don't know why, but it hurt to see him obviously in pain like this. 'What are these thoughts? I'm just using him to hide my intentions and bloodlust!...But he is kinda cute...No! I am only here to get my revenge on that murdering octopus!'

I looked back at the work I had taken out of my bag, trying to focus on something else. I unconsciously snuck glances at Nagisa to make sure he was okay before the class started to slowly fill in for home room.

Nagisa POV
Looks like no one noticed anything off. The whole day had gone by rather uneventfully, minus the repeated failed assassination attempts. Luckily I was able to hide my pain all day, though I caught Kayano catching glances at me all day long. (She blushed each was a little cute.) Anyway, I waited for everyone to leave the classroom before heading home.

I rushed on the way back, not wanting a repeat of the day before. Just to be safe, I let my hair down to appease my mother. When I entered, she was happily making dinner. She smiled at the way my hair looked.

"You look so good! Everyday you should leave your hair down like this!"

"But I-" I was going to complain but she cut me off

"No buts! Listen to your mother on this one." She smiled, but there was a fire in her eyes

I headed to my room, going straight to bed. Again my dreams distracted me from the pain. All night, my mind was filled with visions of a cute green bunny.


The next few weeks were pretty uneventful, at least for me. For the class, a lot had happened. First, Karma-kun finally came to class and was the first to land a hit on Koro-sensei (the name Kayano had given him). We also got a new "student," the Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery, or Ritsu as we coined her. She was a machine sent to learn and kill Koro-sensei. She had even managed to shoot off one of his tentacles!

However, even with all this craziness, only one event was on my mind. Just thinking about it made my cheeks flush and my smile widen.

Yesterday, classes had gone by as usual, well as usual as you can get when you have to kill your teacher to save the world. When it was lunch time, I took a bento out of my bag. Just as I was about to start eating, I was interrupted by a cheerful call.

"Hey Nagisa!" Kayano tried to get my attention, waving at me.

"Hi Kayano! Do you need something?" I replied, curious.

"Yeah, you!" She chirped. I blushed hard at her statement and she realized her mistake. "Ah! That came out wrong! I was wondering i-if youwantedtoeatlunchwithme..." The last part came out a jumble, but I still understood

"Sure, Kayano!" I picked up my bento.

"Really?! Alright, come with me!" She exclaimed grabbing my hand.

She started to drag me along outside, but all I could think about was our hands touching. 'Her hand is so soft, and it feels so comfortable' I thought to myself, blushing out of control. 'Why am I thinking like this! Bad Nagisa!' I shook myself back to reality where Kayano was still dragging me.

Kayano POV
'What is he doing?! Why can't he just walk instead of me dragging him!' I turned back to look at Nagisa, only to see his bright red cheeks, his eyes staring at our hands. I turned back to start dragging him, but also to hide the pink growing on my cheeks

Once we got outside, we sat a few moments in awkward silence, but, soon, we started talking as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Nagisa POV
When we got outside. I could've sworn that I saw a bit of pink on Kayano's cheeks. Either way, lunch, and the rest of the day for that matter, had gone as usual.

As I lay on my bed trying to fall asleep, my brain kept going over and over the day's events. No wonder, when I finally did fall asleep, that I was dreaming of a blushing pigtailed girl.


And that's the end of Chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you like the slightly longer chapters. Leave a comment with comments, questions, grammar, or any ideas you have.
Arigato gozaimasu!
- T


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