Chapter 29

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Akari POV
Life was great. Well minus the morning sickness.  I'd wake up at 4 in the morning and run straight to the bathroom to vomit. Luckily, my fiancé was there for me, holding my hair up, rubbing my back and wiping my face.

When it finally subsided, we both took a shower and started to get ready. Today was an exciting day for the both of us. It was Nagisa's first day teaching at Paradise High. As for me, I was attending class E's 7th annual reunion. Unfortunately, that meant that Nagisa couldn't make it, so we decided it'd be better not to tell everyone yet.

After all that, we had to go to the doctors office and meet my OBGYN so they could confirm the pregnancy. I couldn't wait for the day to begin!


Nagisa had just left for work, so I decided to head out as well. I was wearing a silky dark red dress that hid my growing belly well. I wasn't wearing a disguise, but no one went up that mountain anyways. Well no one but us apparently.

I drove there and started the climb up the mountain, way harder 7 years later and 3 weeks pregnant. I glanced at my hand and sighed. It felt empty without the ring on it, but we didn't want anyone to ask questions so that's the way it had to be.

"Hey, Kayano's here!" The moment I made it up, panting from the exercise, Isogai, ever the class rep, announced it.

"Kayano/Kayano-chan!" The class chimed.

"Hey everyone! It's good to see you guys!"

"How have you been?" Kanzaki approached me with Okuda and Nakamura in tow.

"Pretty good! My show's getting really popular, so I'm happy!" I answered.

"How about your love life?" Nakamura asked, still looking for gossip all these years later. "Any interesting suitors? Maybe a short bluenette perhaps?"

I faked a small blush. "Nagisa's too busy with his career. In fact he's teaching right now, so I don't want to get in his way. But that doesn't mean I've stopped loving him..." I gazed off into the distance, as if peering into a world where we were together. Of course this was just an act, but it was pretty easy to pull off considering it's true. Nagisa has been busy with his career. Heck, it took him 7 years to propose. But I do still love him. I just left out the part where he loves me too.

"But how about you, Kanzaki? Is that a ring I see?" I distracted them by changing the topic.

"Teehee, yeah. Sugino proposed a month ago, and it was so romantic!" Yukiko replied. "What about you, Okuda? Anything happening?"

"Well, you know, I was really busy with studying and research these last few years, so there wasn't much time for fun. But..." Manami's face turned pink as she blushed, "K-karma looks so hot right now! I want to hug him so bad!"

"Oh, you want to hug him? Well, I can help you with that!" Nakamura seemed to be here solely to tease us. So not much has changed. "Karma! Come here! Okuda wants to tell you something!"

"No! Wait!" Manami quickly became a blushing mess and Karma wrapped up his conversation and ran up to us, blazer unbuttoned.

"Hey, Okuda, how are you?" Karma came with his signature smirk.

"G-good..." she stuttered.

"So what'd you want to tell me?"

"N-nothing! J-just wanted to say h-hi..." Okuda was bright red and practically shaking.

"No, no, no! Tell him what you told us!" Nakamura interfered, determined to get a result.

"It's okay, Okuda. You can tell me." Karma had a gentle look in his eyes. The same look he always had when he looked at Manami.

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