Chapter 12

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Nagisa POV
This level was pretty simple. All we had to do was walk around through a hallway to the next stairs. Well, at least, it should have been simple.

While we were walking, we encountered an assassin, definitely hired to stop us from doing anything like this. His name: Grip. He was known for his immense grip strength and honor. He would not employ any dirty methods. He liked one on one fights.

Karma, our strongest fighter, agreed to fight him. It was a close fight, both trading blows, but we all knew that if Karma slipped up once it would be the end.

Karma pushed back, forcing Grip to use a trick. He tried to use gas to knock Karma out, and it seemed to work. Karma fell back, unconscious.

Grip thought that he had won. But out of nowhere, Karma got up and used the same gas back on him, knocking him out. It looks like Karma had covered his mouth and tricked Grip into thinking he won to get the sneak attack.

We walked up two more levels where we met the next obstacle, Gastro. He was crazy. Both in skill and in mind. He was an amazing shot, even without paying attention. But he definitely had some screws loose up there. He licked and tasted his gun all the time.

Thanks to Koro-sensei's guidance and our sharp shooting, we were able to knock down some hanging supports on the stage which fell and hit him. He fell, getting knocked out from the impact. We walked past him and made our way the top level with any interruptions.

But a third assassin was there to meet us. Smog was a poison expert, most definitely the guy who made the virus. Hopefully that meant he could make the antidote for us too.

We fought him, but he injected Karasuma with a neurotoxin, paralyzing him for the next 30 minutes. After a while, we had him tied up and on the floor. Terasaka and Yoshida held up Karasuma and helped him walk, his strength slowly coming back to him.

Eventually, we made our way up to the roof where the meet up was supposed to be. When we got there to take the antidote, we were all surprised to see...

"Takaoka?!?!!" We all yelled in unison. He was evil, sure, but to poison the entire class just to get Koro-sensei, that was too far.

"Hmm, you all came, even though I just wanted Shiota. Guess I'll have to blow up the antidote!" He grinned wickedly, holding up a briefcase laced with explosives and a trigger in his hand.

"Wait!" I yelled. "I surrender! Do what you want to me, just give us the antidote!"

"Then come up here!" He yelled back at me from the helipad.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and faced him, only 10 feet away. "I'm here, now hand over the antidote." I was firm and confident in my words.

"Before I do, you have to apologize to me! For being disobedient and rude!" He had a crazy look in his eyes.

"I sincerely apologize for what I di-" I bowed apologizing before a kick hit me straight in the back sending me to my knees.

"Bow fully on the ground! Show me how sorry you are!" He pushed his foot down on my back as I apologized profusely.

"I'm so sorry, I disobeyed you! Please forgive me Takaoka-sensei!" I continued to apologize, but jerked my head when he tried to slap me.

"What are you doing? If you dodge, the antidote goes  bye-bye! Now sit here and apologize" he screamed crazily. I saw the explosives-lined case and bowed down, apologizing and taking the beatings for the class.

Kayano POV
I was tearing up, in sadness and in fear. I couldn't stand to see Nagisa getting hurt like this. Worse, I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. I had to watch as my Nagisa was beaten to a pulp.

"Isn't that enough?!" someone yelled out from the class. It's true. Nagisa was battered and bruised, barely able to stay conscious.

"Are you talking back now?! You'll all have to be punished!" Takaoka yelled, throwing the antidote into the air. As his finger fell on the trigger, all I could hear was a scream.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Nagisa screamed out at the top of his lungs. He had snapped. I could see it in his eyes. Gone were his sky blue pearls of emotion, replaced by icy voids of bloodlust.

Nagisa went into full assassin mode. He pulled out a knife along with a taser. He used them both with immense prowess, fighting and pushing back Takaoka. This was a new side of Nagisa. And to be honest, I was too scared to move and do anything. Not of Takaoka, but of Nagisa. It seemed like his bloodlust froze us in place.

He attacked relentlessly, pushing Takaoka further and further back. For some unknown reason, Takaoka seemed really happy.

"Yes, yes! Kill me! Use your anger and kill me!!" He was egging Nagisa on.

Just as Nagisa was about to deal the fatal blow, Terasaka, who was sick and barely conscious, yelled out, telling him to stop. (In hindsight, I'm so annoyed that I couldn't do anything but watch. How simple would it have been to talk?!).

It seemed like it was enough to snap Nagisa out of it. He used one of the techniques Lovro taught him, the clap stunner, before tasing him and knocking him out. He then collapsed himself.

He had sacrificed himself for us, taking beatings and using every last drop of his strength in order to save us. In every sense of the word, Nagisa was a hero. Our hero.

It only expanded my feelings for him. Beyond my path for revenge, beyond my hatred, I had found a friend. No, more than that.

I liked Nagisa.


Sorry for being on the short side. Writing these action packed scenes is really difficult and not my style whatsoever. Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are all welcome in the comments.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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