Chapter 11

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Nagisa POV
All of us that could move would be going to infiltrate. The hotel was known for being a criminal safe haven, so we'd need all the help we could get. Luckily we had all of our assassination gear, so we were well prepared in that regard. We had harnesses, ropes, grapples, guns, knives: anything we'd need for the mission.

We took a few vans that the government had provided for transport and drove up the mountain with all of our gear. The mountain was quite tall, as was the hotel on top of it. To get the best chance of making it to the top, we'd want to start as high as possible. We drove about three quarters of the way up the mountain before stopping.

Anywhere past that had constant guard rotations, security cameras, and alarms. To try and get past that would be impossible for a random group of 15 kids. So to get to the hotel, we'd have to grapple up the mountain.

Before we started, we had to come up with a plan. Ritsu popped up on one of our phones and projected a holographic blueprint of the hotel. It was 10 stories tall, and the target would most likely be on the top level where he could make a quick escape via the helipad on top.

Getting up to the top was no easy feat either. First, we had to sneak past a lobby or armed guards and mafiosos. Then we'd have to climb 5 flights of stairs without getting noticed. To get to the 6th flight of stairs, we'd have to walk through a club of criminals and pervs and access it from the other side. Then we had to make our way up another 4 levels, each with their own challenging layout. But for now, it was go time.

For us, scaling the mountain was an easy task. Our PE training always started with us climbing up the class E mountain's cliff, which was twice the height of this.

Once we reached the base of the hotel, we found a side entrance to sneak through. We were inside, but now came the issue of getting past all of the guards. Lucky for us, Bitch-sensei handled it.

She walked out with prowess, her acting skills coming in handy. She quickly drew the attention of all the men in the room and begged them to allow her to play the piano. When they relented, she began to serenade them with her wonderful playing.

Even some of us were stuck in a trance before she nodded at us to escape to the stairs. We took the opportunity and ran silently to the next level. The next few flights of stairs were easy, and we were on the fifth level in no time.

The next staircase was behind a closed door, and it had to be opened from the other side. So we'd have to send a group to walk through the club and open the door for the rest of us. But doing it inconspicuously was another matter.

"Well, we obviously can't send the entire class through, that'll be too suspicious. We have to just send a small team." Karma noted.

"How about we send a group of a few girls? It won't be at all suspicious, a group of beautiful girls walking through a night club! Just seems like we're trying to pick someone up!" Nakamura suggested.

"But then what about safety? A few burly men could easily capture us all!" Okano brought up a good point. Although the girls were fast, nimble, agile, and quite strong, they could be overpowered by brute force.

"I've got a great idea!" Nakamura smirked. She pulled out a small petite dress, maybe the right size for Kayano. "We can send Nagisa in dressed as a girl!"

"What?!" I semi-shouted, angry but not wanting to be loud. "Did you have that dress on you just to do this?!?!"

"It's a good plan though." Karma spoke up. Of course he did. "Nagisa is easily the most talented assassin, plus no one will be able to tell that he's not a girl!"

I just facepalmed. In the same sentence he complimented me and insulted my entire being. But before I could refute, the entire class agreed. They decided that since I was so good, they could send me as protection. I think some of them just wanted to see me in a dress.

Kayano POV
Nagisa went to go change in a closet, taking the dress with him. I was surprised that he even agreed to wear a dress. He really hated it when someone called him a girl or insulted his appearance. But I guess when the whole class decides on a plan, you have no choice but to follow through.

It would probably only take a few minutes for him to change, but I found myself anxiously tapping my foot. I don't know why, but I was really excited to see Nagisa in a dress again.

After a moment, a handle clicked and the closet door swung open. Nagisa stepped out, and my heart stopped. I knew Nagisa well, but even I could barely tell whether he was guy. 'He's beautiful!'

I'm perfectly straight, but seeing Nagisa like this brought back memories of him fully as a girl. And I could feel myself getting a little wet. Who knew Nagisa could make me question my sexuality?

As we prepared to enter the club, I found my thoughts drifting between lust and reminding myself to use him for my revenge. But lust was winning, my underwear already wet.

Nagisa POV
We entered the club, and instantly I wanted to leave. The place was crowded with criminals of every kind, but mostly men. The moment we entered, it felt like a thousand eyes were on us, looking us up and down. Is this what it was like to be a girl? Damn, no wonder they hate Okajima!

As we continued to walk, I stuck close to the girls. We stayed as a group, for safety and comfort's sake. But then a guy approached us. He looked about our age, but if he was here, he was obviously no good.

"Hey cutie. Can I get you something? A drink? Cigar? Money?" He approached us all but his comments were directed at me.

I looked at the girls for help, since I didn't get hit on, like ever. They all gave me a look to go with it. I suppose if I really was a helpless girl I would just go with him to get something. "Uh s-sure, mister. I'll take a soda..." I responded nervously, trying to play up the shy girl act.

"Of course! Anything! Oh and just call me Yuji! No need to be so formal!" He grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me over to the bar. I looked back one more time at the girls, Kayano shooting a look of sympathy as well as maybe, jealousy? Weird.


A few irritating drinks later, and I'd practically learned this kids whole life story. He was a spoiled rich brat who always lived under his fathers shadow. He tried to use his money to find hapinesss, buying drugs, getting women, but he was not at all happy with his life.

I kinda felt bad for him, but I really needed to go. I tried my best to give him some advice as I left.

"You know, you're not a bad person. But money won't bring you a fulfilling life. Find something you love to do, and life will reward you." He really just needed to find out who he was. And I could sympathize with that.

As I finally snuck away from him, I made my way back to the group where I was met by some comforting smiles. I really needed it. That was pure hell. Getting hit on by a guy?! Nasty! (I made a mental note not to do anything like this to a girl. Like ever.)

We quickly walked through the rest of the club, Yuji acting as a distraction of sorts. We went and opened the door, letting the rest of the class in to the staircase. I went to go change, but not before Karma took a bunch of photos against my will.

I came out, back in my uniform (Pants! Ah! I never thought I'd miss pants so much!), and we started walking. Together, we went up to the next level.


Sorry if some details aren't perfect. I'm just going off my memory, so please excuse the mistakes. As always, any comments, questions, grammar, or ideas are welcome.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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