Chapter 37

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Nagisa POV
The school year had ended tremendously well. All of my students reached the top 40 with some in the top 10! Not to mention that every single subject was topped by one of them! For a class that was supposed to be the worst of the worst, my students had flourished and proved everyone wrong. I was beyond proud of them, and hoped that I had made even a small impact on them, academically and in their lives.

But, I was even prouder as a parent. In the last three months, Miyuki had grown so much. Everyday, I came home to something new. I loved her so much and I couldn't wait to stay home with her all year.

To do that, however, I had to fulfill my promise to Akari and get back into tutoring. And to do that, I wanted to reach out to my first ever student, Sakura! In fact, I was meeting with her right now!

"Nagisa-sensei!" A pink haired girl yelled, running up to my bench in the park.

"Sakura, is that you? You've grown so much!" Indeed she had! Her hair was long, and she had gotten taller. Quite a bit taller than me, much to my dismay.

"Well, I see you haven't!" She teased. We shared a quick hug before sitting down.

"So anyways, why'd you call me out of the blue? After, I don't know, 8 years!" She got straight to the point, making me feel a little sorry for my past actions.

"Oh, uh, yeah, sorry about that..." I said, scratching the back of my head nervously. "And to answer your question, I wanted to tell you that I was going back to tutoring full time so I-" my ex-student cut me off.

"Full time? Aren't you a teacher though?" Sakura asked.

"Well yes, but a lot has happened. Let me explain. You remember Kayano? The short green haired girl with the pigtails?" She nodded in response. "Well, she and I recently got married."

At that, her face turned gloomy. "Why so glum all of a sudden, Sakura?" I asked

"Well, you know...I've always had a little bit of a crush on you, Nagisa-sensei...even now..." she said, head hung low but with rosy pink cheeks.

A little awkwardly, I told her, "I'm sure you'll find someone you truly love. Some a little closer to your age, hopefully..."

"I guess..." she pouted a little.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Kayano and I got married. And now, we have  little baby girl!" I said happily, pulling out a picture of Yuki for her to see. "And since Kayano is busy as an actress, neither of us could take care of Miyuki. So, I decided to quit and take care of her full time. But I still love teaching, so this is my compromise. To tutor!"

"Awww! She's so cute!! I see why you don't want to leave her side!" Sakura replied. "But what do you need me for?"

"Well, I wanted to let you know so that if you or any of your friends need help with school, I'd be happy to help!"

"How about, in return for that, you do me a favor?"

"Sure, I guess. But I'm not gonna kiss you or anything. I love Kayano too much." I told her.

"You think so little of me, that I'd want to kiss a married man?! Hmph! No, what I was going to ask is if I could be Miyuki's onee-chan! I've always wanted a little sister!"

"We'll have to see if she likes you first!" I replied, chuckling a little. "Want to come see her?"

"Can I?" She asked, her smile getting wider by the second. I nodded. "Awesome!"

We went back home and I introduced her to Miyuki, and reintroduced her to Kayano, or rather Akari. Instantly, Yuki latched onto one of Sakura's legs.

"Looks like she likes you!" I smiled.

"Yay!" She bent down before picking her up and bringing her to her face. "I'm Sakura, but you can call me onee-chan!"

As she began to play with the boisterous little toddler, I went to the kitchen to cook up some dinner.

"Seems like Yuki has a sister now, huh?" Akari came and hugged me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, looks like she likes her onee-chan! I've always seen Sakura as a little sister, so I guess it all works out, huh?" I said, paying attention to the stove as Akari hummed in approval.

After setting the table, we all sat down to eat. Sakura even tried to feed Yuki, with varying success. We all smiled and laughed as we ate.

Just like a family.


Another chapter done! Only three more to go! I can't believe that this story is almost done!
As for why I'm updating more this week, well, I'm sick as fuck. Runny nose, coughing, the whole nine yards. Hopefully not COVID, but it could be considering the state of some people's masks at my school. But I'll know tomorrow.
Anyway, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are always welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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