Chapter 10

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Nagisa POV
The next morning, I woke up surprisingly early considering how late I stayed out. It was only 7, and everyone was still sleeping soundly. So, I decided to take this time to go freshen up, take a shower, get ready for the day.

I got a pair of fresh clothes out of my suitcase and took it with me to the bathroom. First, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, normal morning things. Then I stripped and wrapped myself in my towel, walking to the showers which were down the hall.

When I got there, I walked in. I was basically half asleep still. I mean, 5 hours of sleep isn't great for waking up. Anyway, hot steam and the sound of running water distracted me from my thoughts. 'Huh? I thought I saw that everyone was still sleeping?'

I guess someone woke up earlier than I did then. I pulled back the curtain to access the shower area (there were no stalls, just a big communal area), and I was shocked. That didn't last long before a bar of soap flew and hit me straight in the head, knocking me out.

I woke up a few hours later. I was feeling quite rested. I flicked open my eyes to see all the girls of class E staring down at me, still in my towel. 'Oh shit! What did I do?!' The wrath of the 3-E girls was not something anyone wanted to be on the receiving end of, if they wanted to live that is.

"You filthy perv! Trying to catch a glance at our poor, innocent Kayano, huh?!" Nakamura yelled at me as Kurahashi slapped me across the face.

"Perv? Kayano?" I was still really out of it. I held my cheek, but I still didn't get why they were hitting me. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Did you do something wrong? Of course you did you nasty filth! You walked into the girls shower and tried to perv on Kayano!" Nakamura scolded again as my face was slapped from the other side by Okano.

"Girl's shower? Oh fuck!" I screamed. Guess I was so sleepy I didn't care to read the sign on the shower door. But that didn't matter. I had to apologize. "I am so, so sorry. I never meant to do that. Please accept my humble apology" I leaned forward, forehead to the ground. "I would never do anything like that, especially not to Kayano! I am so sorry for doing such things! Please forgive me!" I begged.

"Hmm, seems like he's telling the truth. Plus it's Nagisa, so it's not like he's known for doing anything like this." One of the girls spoke up.

"I guess it doesn't really matter since Nagisa is practically a girl anyways. Like, we have no proof he's a guy! So it's all fine by me!" Nakamura exclaimed. I was glad they accepted my apology, but not so happy at her comments. I didn't say anything, not wanting to get into more trouble.

"Thank you for accepting my apology!" I kept my head to the ground in gratitude.

"Don't worry about it." Nakamura offered me her hand to stand up. I gladly took it. 'Hmm, I'm not blushing now but my face turns red when Kayano barely brushes me.' I stood up, and pushed the thoughts from my mind.

"Oh, and what's this about 'especially not to Kayano?' Is she any more special than us that she could be separated from the group apology?" Nakamura asked, now in full teasing mode.

"Uh, well, umm, I, uh, she's my best friend, yeah, so I, uh wouldn't want to ever disrespect her privacy! Yeah!" I tried to make an excuse for my wording, the premise coming to me as I spoke.

"Your best friend, huh? You sure it's nothing more?" She teased again. This time my cheeks flushed a light pink.

"Uh, no! Kayano's just my best friend!" I blurted. When I looked over at her, Kayano was again pouring a little. She looked disappointed. (Probably since a loser just called her their best friend).

"Mmhmm, sure. You can go now. Everyone's getting up, so wouldn't want you to be too suspicious. Oh and here's your clothes." Nakamura tossed me the bundle of the clothes that I was carrying earlier.

When I walked back to the boys dorm area, I found about half the guys up and about. I changed back, unable to take a bath like I wanted to. But I got some sleep at least, so I was feeling refreshed.

We all ended up going downstairs to eat breakfast. It was maybe 10-10:30 so it was more like early brunch. When we got there, we all ate the food, a buffet of American breakfast. After finishing, we were all sitting and talking since we wanted to wait before going in the ocean.

When time came to go to the beach, we were all going to head out. But, some people were feeling a little groggy. Then someone got a random nosebleed. Then someone passed out. More and more, until half the class was on the floor.

We all moved quickly, dragging them to a better location and setting up an emergency treatment area. It seems like somehow, half the class had gotten extremely, extremely sick. Their fevers we're through the roof, their bodies were shaking. If they weren't taken care of, it looked like they'd die.

Manami and Takebayashi, our resident scientists, became fill-in doctors, treating the symptoms and trying to deduce what the sickness could be. Until then, we couldn't do anything to really help them. Our frenzy of worry was interrupted by a phone ringing.

Karasuma picked up, putting it on speakerphone so we could all hear.

"Hello, who is this?" Our sensei started.

A heavily modified voice came from the other side. "That doesn't matter. What does matter is that your students have been poisoned with an artificial virus. If they aren't given the antidote, they'll die in 24 hours. And I just so happen to have 20 vials of the stuff."

"What do you want in return?" Karasuma's voice remained stoic as always, but his face showed his concern.

"Send the two shortest to the hotel on the mountaintop to hand over the yellow creature in his current form. You have till 8 PM. Else the antidote will be blown up. Goodbye." The call was ended abruptly.

I quickly figured that he wanted both Kayano and I to do it, since we were easily the smallest people in the class. "It's fine, I'll go!" I was ready to sacrifice myself for the class. (Plus who'd care if a loser like me died.)

"Me too! If it's for the class, I'll do it!" Kayano also quickly volunteered. (Why? She's so amazing and has a life to live and people who'll miss her!), so there should be no issue. We could just hand over Koro-sensei.

"What? Are you dumb? That's be like giving them two hostages!" Terasaka came over to where we were both standing, bonking our heads together from behind with that last statement.

The rest of the class seemed to agree that sending us would be stupid and quite suicidal, much to our dismay. So, they decided to find another way. There were a lot of proposed ideas, but none of them seemed like they'd work.

After a lot of deliberation, it was final. We'd just have to infiltrate the hotel and take the antidote ourselves!


You know the drill. Comments, questions, grammar, and ideas below.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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