Chapter 13

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Nagisa POV
After beating Takaoka, I instantly collapsed, my legs giving up on me. I wasn't unconscious, just completely exhausted from the fight. The moment I hit the ground, Kayano ran over and hugged me, picking my head up with her hand. It felt nice. She was warm, and it was comforting to be in her arms. Just as friends! Yeah...

I fell asleep in her arms, not even having enough energy to keep my eyes open. When I woke up, I was back in the hotel, Karma and some guys watching over me.

"Ughh, where am I? Where'd Kayano go?" I asked groggily. For some reason, even though I could barely move my body, she was the first thing on my mind.

"Don't worry, we're just back in the dorm. But why you asking about Kayano? She was fine, you were the one who just fought a special ops agent one on one!" Karma answered my questions. "Oh, is it possible that our little Nagisa has a crush?" Not 2 seconds I've been up and he's already teasing me. I suppose I brought it upon myself, but still.

"What?! No, Kayano and I are just friends...." my face flushed red, giving me away.

"Mmm, but you want to be more don't you?!" Karma smirked, his devil horns popping out.

"N-no!" I refuted, burying my head in my pillow.

"Fine, fine I'll leave you alone for now. But let me get you caught up." Karma began to explain everything that had happened once I passed out.

We had gotten pretty lucky. Smog, the one who poisoned the class, was hesitant to give a lethal virus to kids, especially since he knew that Takaoka would blow up the antidote. Since he was a poison and medicinal expert, he just ended up giving everyone a stomach bug, essentially. It had really big symptoms, as if it was lethal virus, but they would just go away after some time like any other common cold.

Apparently, him and the other two didn't really listen to Takaoka's orders. He may have hired them, but they were free to do what they thought was right and I guess they deemed fighting kids wrong. But they did applaud us for our skills.

After Karma caught me up on the main important stuff, he decided to tell me some other small details. He said that Kayano had held me the entire time we walked back to the hotel. And she wouldn't leave my side. Karma even had to pick her up and bring her to the girls room to get her to sleep.

I guess she really cared about me. 'Maybe she has some feelings for me don't be stupid, she's awesome and you're a loser, why would she have feelings for you? Best case scenario, she's your friend. That's're probably right, I'm not good enough for her anyway'

I pushed my feelings deep down. There was no point in feeling them since there's no chance she even likes me. So I got up, took a shower, and got ready to enjoy the trip.


By the time our classmates recovered, we only had a day left before we had to go home. Since everyone was back to normal, we decided to have a fun final day of our summer trip. We spent time on the beach, playing in the ocean (I even tried to teach Kayano how to swim, settling on floating together)

We also tried to get Bitch-sensei and Karasuma-sensei together. We took up all of the seating in the cafeteria, forcing them outside to a romantic dinner on the beach. Bitch-sensei was dressed more simply, a big sweater and understated clothes. It was definitely much closer to what Karasuma-sensei liked.

For a moment, it was nice. The two enjoyed their dinner together. He didn't do anything too romantic, but he didn't do anything too rude either. For him, that was quite romantic in his own way. But then he managed to ruin it, somehow. I wondered how anyone could be so dense.

We came home, and Kayano and I became a lot closer. We were more relaxed and comfortable around each other. I think we were both happy to have such a good friend.

Yet when I went to sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling of her hugging me. It felt good. I wanted more. I tossed around in my thoughts, my feelings overwhelming me. That night, I relived the moment over and over in my dreams.


A few weeks had passed since school started again. After Shiro and Itona failed yet again, Shiro abandoned him. The class managed to calm Itona down and Koro-sensei removed his tentacles. The class was now 28 assassins strong, 2 more joining our ranks since the start of the year.

What did this group of highly trained fighters do, you might ask? Matchmaking of course!

Bitch-sensei's birthday had passed a few days ago. As a class, we decided that it would be the best time to push Karasuma and her together. We bought a bouquet of roses from a helpful vendor on the street as a simple yet thoughtful gift for Karasuma to give.

When it was time, we handed him the flowers and hid outside, peeking in through the windows. He already knew the plan, so all he had to do was not say anything too dumb.

"Here. A late birthday gift." He handed her the bouquet. His words were cold, but his tone was quite warm for once. Maybe he had some feelings there too.

Bitch-sensei was overjoyed. She obviously had a thing for Karasuma, so to get roses as a gift from him (even if it was late) meant quite a lot. Especially considering his overall personality.

It was going quite well, but of course his dense ass had to ruin the moment.

"There is no point in starting a relationship. No matter what, we will never see each other after the end of this year. Either we all die, or we succeed and go our separate ways." Karasuma-sensei explained coldly, the warm tone gone from his voice.

Bitch-sensei couldn't even respond. She started crying and stormed out of the room, outside where we were watching everything go down.

"Of course! It was all just a prank to see 'Bitch-sensei' cry and get rejected again! Of course that fucking idiot doesn't care!" She slammed the bouquet to the ground, running off in anger and sadness.


I know it seems quick but I'm moving straight to the next big plot point with The Reaper. Sorry that there wasn't that much Nagikae, but that will be fixed once this event ends.
As always, fell free to leave comments, questions, grammar, and ideas below.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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