Chapter 22

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Nagisa POV
It had been a week since our first date, and things were great. Akari and I talked basically everyday, and when we couldn't, we texted. Since school would be starting in a few days, we wanted to get in as much time together as possible before we get busy again.

Today, Akari asked if I was free to hang out. My mom was away on a business trip, so I had the whole house to myself.

"Sure! My moms away on a trip, so we can hang out at my place!" I said into my phone.

"Great! How about... 12:30 then?" Her voice crackled from the other end.

"Sounds good! Oh and I'll make lunch, so come hungry!"

We finished our conversation, so I decided to go clean up. It was 10 right now, so I could give like an hour and a half for cleaning so I still have a good hour to get lunch ready.

I just tidied things up a little and vacuumed everything since the house was mostly clean. After that, I went into the kitchen, put an apron on, and got to work.


*ring, ring*

"Coming!" I yelled out, running to the front.

I just finished cooking, so my apron was still on when I opened the door.

"Akari! Welcome!" I greeted her cheerfully, gesturing for her to enter.

"Hi Nagisa! I brought some pudding for dessert!" She handed me a rather large bowl. And as she walked past me she whispered, "you look hot in an apron..."

I blushed hard at her comment before trying to recover myself. "I'll put this in the fridge for later. Go sit at the table, I'll bring the food."

I went and did just that, taking off my apron before I left the kitchen. I brought our plates over and we both sat down to eat.

"Itadakimasu!" both of us prayed before we dug in.

"Wow, it looks delicious, Nagisa!" Akari started.

"Thanks, I've been cooking for a while..." It seems like I blushed at any compliment of hers. "It's a simple pork yakitori with some rice and grilled vegetables." (A/N I'm American, please excuse me for not understanding Japanese cuisine)

"Wow! All in a few hours?"

"Yeah it's like my signature dish" I scratched the back of my head, a little embarrassed from her constant compliments.

After we finished eating, I took the pudding out and brought it to the table. Next to it, I put a single spoon.

"One spoon? Do you not want any?" Akari looked puzzled.

"Well, I thought, since we're dating, we could share, right?" I was really nervous. I'm not the type of person to be this forward usually. I hope she doesn't hate me for this.

"Sure! In fact..." she scooped some with the spoon," up!" I opened my mouth to protest and she slid the spoon right in. She fed me! I had to return the favor now!

After savoring the pudding, I took the spoon, feeding her a little. We went back and forth until the pudding was finished. I was still blushing a little when we went to go sit on the couch.

"Hmm, still blushing at an indirect kiss? How about a real one then..." she pushed me into the couch and got on top of me straddling my waist. She pulled my head to hers and put her lips on mine. 'So soft...' she put her tongue in, deepening the kiss. I started to kiss backing tongue exploring the roof of her mouth, eliciting a soft moan.

I pulled her into the couch so we were lying down, Akari still on top of me, my hands on her side.

I began to caress her body as my mouth left hers and found her neck. I licked the side softly, my breath flowing down the nape. I moved up, my lips now on the back of her neck. I swirled my tongue around before gently nibbling on her skin. 'So delicious...' My hands reached her chest and began to gently play with her breasts as I made my way down her neck.

She was now moaning softly, our heavy breaths echoing around the room. Not to be outdone, Akari pushed me back down and took control.

"Can't let you have all the fun, Nagisa..." she whispered into my ears, her breaths sending shivers down my spine.

Seeing that, she pounced on me, giving me the same treatment as gave her. I gasped when she licked my neck, moaning gently when she twisted my nipples, her hands removing my shirt.

We began to make out again, relishing in our feelings for each other. We kissed passionately for hours, but it only seemed like minutes. We stopped before we went past 2nd base, still too young for that.


I woke up, Akari sleeping soundly on my exposed chest. Once she woke up, it was already 7 PM, so we opted to eat a quick dinner and watch a movie. Just before the movie started, I paused it and looked at her.

"Akari, there's something so need to tell you." I started, my tone serious.

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" She looked on the verge of tears.

"No never! I love you more than anything! I need to tell you something about my mom, and what she used to do to me."

Akari POV
When I heard that, I immediately went stiff. 'Was she hitting him again? I though she was doing better now!' My thoughts were interrupted by Nagisa continuing his story, so I listened carefully.

"It's not about recently. She's been good on that front." I sighed a sigh of relief. I had been really worried then.

"It's about what she used to do. You know how I told you she used to beat me for not being 'a good daughter?'" I nodded, remembering the day he finally opened up to me.

"Well, I never told you the whole story." I was shocked. There was more?

"Whenever that happened, she always got angry at me for being a boy. She believed all my behavior and not acting like a daughter was because of.. because of... my... parts, for lack of better word." he explained.

"So she blamed your... man-parts for everything?"

"Pretty much. Every time, after slapping me a few times, she would force me to the ground and rip off my pants to expose them. Then...then..." this was obviously really emotional for Nagisa. "Then she would take her heels as dig them into my area. She would crush my balls with her whole foot and she ground the points into my penis. I have two permanent scars from that."

Oh my fucking god. I couldn't believe she would do this. How could anyone cause this much pain to their own child?

"That's why eveytime I had the same limp. My groin hurt so bad I could barely walk..." At this point, Nagisa was already in tears.

I just pulled him in, stroking his soft blue hair, which he had let down. "I'm glad you finally told me this. You know that I'll always be there for you. If you're ever hurting, I'll heal you up, ok?" He nodded as a I reassured him, pulling him to my chest.

After a while, we went back to the movie, cuddling each other tightly.

'I'll make sure you know that someone loves you for the man you are, Nagisa. No one will ever hurt you again...'


Hi everyone! Hope you liked this chapter! I know it got a little steamy, but I thought it was good setup for Nagisa finally opening up. Anyways, next chapters will be just Nagikae. Will get pretty spicy near the end. I'll put a warning on that chapter though.
Comments, questions, grammar, and ideas below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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