Chapter 6

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Kayano POV
The next few days went by as usual, and I started to hang out more with Nagisa. I think after the Takaoka incident, we became a little closer, like we realized we didn't want to lose each other. (At least one good thing came from that maniac).

That Friday, I was packing up my bag after school had ended when Nagisa came up to me. "Hey Kayano"

"Hi Nagisa! Do you need something?" I asked cheerfully, happy to talk to him.

"W-well...I was just wonder where you, I mean, you've never really told anyone..." he said, obviously quite nervous.

I just smiled at him. "Oh I just live on Shikuren Street. Building 503?"

"Really? That's like 2 blocks away from my house!" He replied happily. "W-would you m-maybe want to w-walk home t-together?" he stuttered.

"Sure, I'd love to Nagisa!" I chirped.

I grabbed my bad and we headed out. As we walked we talked about our day, the homework, anything really. It was fun to have some company for once, y'know, to not be alone.

We approached my building and Nagisa spoke up. "This was fun Kayano! M-maybe we could do this everyday..." he smiled

"I'd like that!" We parted with blushes on our cheeks and smiles on our faces.


After that, things had gone back to normal. Well normal for class E: go to school, assassinate our teacher, study for midterms.

Since we still had about a month left before the exams, we weren't studying too hard. That meant we could use that free time to hang out as friends and come up with assassination plans.

After school ended in Monday, I, like many others, was thinking of a way to "assassinate" Koro-sensei. Of course my time would come when I attacked with my tentacles, but it would seem amiss if I didn't try something.

Everyone was coming up with their own unique assassination attempts using whatever skills they had. Heck, Sugino even tried to use his baseball talents. (Pretty useless when your target moves 200x faster, but he was still putting in effort). There had to be something I as Kayano could do so that people wouldn't get suspicious.

Amidst my thinking, I was packing up to go home. As I did, Nagisa came up to me.

"Oh hey Nagisa!"

"Hi Kayano, ready to go?" he asked. I swung my bag over my shoulder and we started walking. "Say, what were you thinking about earlier? Looked like you were deep in thought." he asked as we left the building.

"Oh not much, really. Just trying to think of ways to assassinate Koro-sensei. It seems like everyone is doing something unique, and I don't want to the left out." I replied, a small pout on my face.

"Well if you think about it, everyone is trying to do something that involves something that they enjoy and seeing how it could be used against him." Nagisa explained, his hand scratching the back of his head, as he does while thinking. "So you just have to use something you like."

"Hmm, something I like you say..." I thought about it. 'What do I like? I like Nagisa...what no he's just a friend...Oh, a friend? I thought he was just a pawn that we were using?...if you aren't going to help, then shut up!' I internally scolded myself. Then it hit me.

"What about sweets? I love pudding, and I know Koro-sensei has a sweet tooth too! He's always buying candies or gelato or some other dessert! Maybe I can use that against him!" I smiled, happy to have an idea.

"That's a great idea Kayano! If you need our help, we are all willing and ready to lend a hand. Plus, I'll always help you..." he said, a little nervous on that last sentence.

"You always give the best advice! Thanks, Nagisa!" I pulled him into a one-arm hug from the side, leaning  my head on his shoulder for a second. It felt nice

"Y-you're welcome, K-Kayano-san..." he replied, obviously startled. It could be the setting sun or just my imagination, but I could've sworn I saw him blushing.

Before we knew it, we were at my house. We parted ways, and I ran inside to think up my master plan. After much thought, some phone calls, calculations, and many hours, I had everything planned out. I passed out, exhausted yet excited for my assassination, even if it was fake.


That Thursday, Koro-sensei had taken a day off to go sightseeing in Europe, claiming that "the weather was only like this once a year!" or some excuse like that. Regardless, I decided that now was the perfect time to execute my plan. "Operation Pudding" was a go!

The Ministry of Defense provided the ingredients that we'd need for the giant pudding. We even got to use thousands of eggs that would've been otherwise thrown out and put them to good use! The class got to work quickly, everyone pitching in. It was heartening to see everyone's support (especially Nagisa's).

By the end of the day, the pudding was finished. It needed to set overnight, and it'd be ready for when Koro-sensei can back later in the day tomorrow. I couldn't wait to see how it went. Even if it was "fake," I still put a lot of effort in. Plus, I can't deny that my love for pudding was quite real.

On Friday, in the middle of English class with Bitch-sensei, he returned, whooshing into the classroom. I then told him that the pudding was his to enjoy, as long as he shared some with us.

He quickly zoomed off, burrowing into the pudding from the top, eating through the monstrous dessert as if it were nothing. Takebayashi explained the detonation as we watched from inside, but I couldn't help but be sad about the pudding exploding.

I had spent so much time on it, hours of research, perfecting the recipe, getting the materials. It had been all I was focusing on the last few days. To see it all explode, it brought a tear to my eye. Plus, I'd hate to see so much pudding go to waste.

Even if it was all an act, I didn't want to see my hard work go down the drain. I went a little berserk, banging my head against the wall. I was quite emotionally attached to that pudding. To see it blown up would be a shame. My outburst was paused by a whoosh.

"Phew! Time for a break!" Koro-sensei appeared next to us. "I detected the faint smell of a foreign object within all that deliciousness!" He held up the plastic explosives with the detonator detached. Turns out he had tunneled under the pudding and removed it without setting off our trap.

I was sad that the plan failed, but that changed when I saw that he had separated clean portions for all of us to enjoy, since we worked so hard on it. My cheeks turned pink. I really loved pudding. (Not as much as you love Nag- Shut it!)

Still, through all that, it was nice to see the class come together just to help me. It would make betraying them that much harder.


You know the drill. Comments, questions, grammar, ideas: all welcome below. I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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