Chapter 31

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Nagisa POV
Since that day, we'd been swamped with wedding prep. We wanted it to be soon so that Akari's baby bump wouldn't be too noticeable. Planning was going pretty well. Since we were having the wedding and reception at the 3-E campus, the venue for both was covered. Muramatsu and Hara, who had opened a chain of restaurants together, were kind enough to cater. That meant all that was left was decorations, guest list, cake, and clothes.

Akari took over on the decorations, not wanting to leave anything to chance, constantly muttering about how it had to be perfect. As such, I took the guest list, sure to invite our close family and friends. Thankfully, the list was small so sending out invites was a breeze. We were going to go clothes shopping, separately of course, and I already had an idea for the cake.

We had both spent the weeks working on the wedding every free second while also juggling our actual jobs. (My students actually noticed that I was tired, so I ended up telling them I was getting married. We're pretty close, so eh).

The seating chart was also done by yours truly, with some of Akari's advice regarding conflict management at the tables. Since she helped me, I pitched in on the centerpieces, choosing a beautiful array of blue lilacs, white lilies, hydrangeas, and ferns.

 Since she helped me, I pitched in on the centerpieces, choosing a beautiful array of blue lilacs, white lilies, hydrangeas, and ferns

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As for the cake, it was already handled, courtesy of my favorite desert shop. That meant that all that was left was our clothes. I thought my old suit would do perfectly fine (still fit into it 7 years later...damn my shortness!), but I was quickly told otherwise by the 3 guys at my door.

"No, no, no! That won't do! A suit at your wedding?!"  Karma started off strong for the trio, scolding me gently.

"Yes, yes. You only get married once. A tux at least!" Sugino picked up the argument.

"And that's why we're here. To help you. Since you obviously don't know what you're doing." Isogai finished, practically forcing me to go shopping with them.

"Fine, fine. I guess I'll buy a new tux..." I grumbled as I grabbed my wallet and closed the door behind me.

"It's perfect timing anyways! The girls are going to buy dresses later, so two birds one stone! Plus I have an idea of the girls dresses so we can match them!" Karma pulled me along, arm draped over my shoulder. Sugino and Isogai hummed their agreement to the plan and followed us. The 3 were quite the unlikely trio- the devil, the baseball star, and the class rep- yet they were all my best friends, even now.

We got in Karma's bright red Dodge Charger (flamboyant as always, I see) and drove to the store. Walking in, we were overwhelmed by the smell of fresh linen and men's cologne.

Walking through the countless isles of suits, we searched for my perfect tux. I tried to slip into the clearance isle (teachers pay and all) but I was pulled back by a strong arm.

"Not on my watch, buddy. Money is not an issue today. And if it is, I'll pay. You just need to look good for Kayano." Karma pushed my chest with his finger before leading me away. He was surprisingly kind when he wanted to be. (Oh, and I forgot to mention, but Karma skipped college and managed to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, hence the fat stacks).

"Oh, uh, thanks Karma, but you don-" my remark was cut short by Sugino yelling at me from a few isles down.

"Hey! Nagisa! Come here! I got the perfect suit for you!" the MLB star yelled, holding up a tux. Grabbing it from him, I went to try it on. And perfect it was.

The tux was a deep blue with black accents, which popped against my white shirt. It fit tightly against my toned body, accentuating it further. The color also helped bring out my sky blue eyes and hair.

It was truly a perfect match

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It was truly a perfect match.

Except for the price, that is.

¥500,000 for a suit?! That's highway robbery! But I had to admit it looked perfect. Right now I only had about a million yen of savings, but my wedding was worth it. Akari was worth it.

I walked out of the dressing room to receive a round of applause for the boys. Seeing as we all approved, I paid for it and got my measurements taken for fittings. While I did that, the others looked for their clothes. From what Karma had heard, the girls were wearing dresses to match their boyfriend's hair, so they decided to do the same.

Karma was wearing a deep purple suit, Sugino a black one, Isogai a silver one, and we picked up an orange one for Chiba and a pink one for Itona.  We walked out together and decided to go out for dinner since we finished earlier than expected. 'I wonder how the girls are doing?'


Akari POV
Nagisa had just left with his groomsmen as I got ready to go out with Okuda, Kanzaki, Kataoka, Hayami, and Ritsu, my bridesmaids. Just as I slipped my shoes on, the bell rang.

"Hey everyone!" I greeted with a smile on my face.

"Hi Akari! Let's go! We need as much time as possible!" Nakamura grabbed me the arm, practically throwing me into the car. Why was she here if she's not a bridesmaid, you ask? Because she forced herself into the position of wedding planner, even though she hadn't planned anything yet.

Driving to the store, I was overwhelmed. Faced by a sea of white, I didn't know if we'd ever find the perfect dress.


"It's perfect!" They all squealed as I came out of the dressing room. Eek! I was overjoyed! I had found my dress! I couldn't wait to see what Nagisa thought!

Deciding to keep the fitting till the week of the wedding (you know, pregnant and all), we went to get bridesmaids dresses. They all matched their boyfriends hair: Okuda in red, Kanzaki, Kataoka, and Hayami in black, and Ritsu in light gray (she can't wear white to someone else's wedding now can she?). Nakamura picked out a yellow dress, saying "she was her own partner," but we all saw something between her and Sugaya.

We left the shop and went immediately home as it had taken us much longer than expected. I couldn't wait for the wedding! I love Nagisa, and I can't wait to spend eternity by his side.


I have returned! And early at that! Wooo!
But anyways, hope you liked this wedding planning chapter, I though it was cool. I also experimented with putting pictures in, since I'm not the best at describing shit. So tell me, do you like it?
I'll try to get out the next chapter (which is their wedding) by Monday at the latest.
Also, just curious, do you think I'm a guy or a girl? Because I don't know if it's me but I'm able to tell pretty well whether a story was written by a guy or a girl. I don't why, just something about the writing style.
Whatever. As always, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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