Chapter 20

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Nagisa POV
The spear of heaven was still pointing down on us. In a few hours it would fire, taking Koro-sensei from this life.

Koro-sensei wouldn't allow it. He wanted us, his students, to deal the final blow. He was on the ground, exhausted from the fight. He had everyone sit on his tentacles to keep him from moving. I straddled his chest, anti-sensei knife in hand.

"Let me do one last roll call. Please, answer me with a loud voice and look at me."

"Karma Akabane" "Hai"

"Yuma Isogai" "Hai"

He went down the class list, all of us crying.

"Autonomous Intellignece Fixed Artillery, Ritsu" "Hai"

"Itona Horibe" "Hai"

"It was a really, really fun year. I'm so happy to be killed by you."

'This is it. I have to kill him' I raised my knife with anger, about to slam it into his chest. My brainwaves were all over the place, but Koro-sensei stabilized me with a finger on my neck.

"Don't kill me feeling like that. Calm yourself. Smile."

So with a smile on my face, tears rolling down I said. "Goodbye, Koro-sensei"

"Hai, Sayonara."

I plunged my knife into his heart, filling the motion with all my emotions. A final thank you to the greatest teacher ever.

His body dissolved, yellow energy floating through the air like sakura blossoms in the spring.

All that was left were his clothes and a crying class. Soon it would be midnight, graduation day at Kunigagaoka Junior High. But it didn't matter. He was the only thing on our minds.

'Arigato, Koro-sensei'


We woke up in the classroom, heads on our desks. At some point, the spear of heaven fired again. We didn't really notice, too overrun with grief. His clothes, our last memory of him, were folded up on his desk.

At each of our desks, we had a class yearbook, to remind us of all the good times we had together. Next to it was Koro-sensei's Guide to Life, personalized for each of us. It was full of advice on college, work, relationships: a piece of advice for every step of our journey.

We all opened our yearbooks, hoping to reminisce and forget our grief. Under the cover, we each had a personal letter from Koro-sensei to open in private. One last conversation with our teacher. I took mine and slipped it in my pocket.


After a while, we took our books headed down the mountain together. We were hounded by reporters and civilians alike, but we were too grief-stricken to respond. We all walked home in silence.

The moment I got home, I went straight to my room. I'm sure my Mom would understand. I took out the letter and began my last conversation with the greatest teacher, maybe the greatest person, I'd ever meet.

If you are reading this, that means our time together is up. I have passed into the the next life, and I hope it was at the hands of the class.

'At least he got the death he wanted'

I want to give you one final piece of advice along with a request. You are very talented Nagisa. You have the skills and the ability to become an assassin even greater than I. (Big compliment coming from the greatest assassin who ever lived! Nurufufuu!)

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