Chapter 15

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Nagisa POV
A few weeks had passed since our encounter with the Reaper. Sure we were scared shitless then, but it ended up bringing us all closer together. In fact, Kayano and I were walking home right now following a group study session at the library.

More than any of my other friends, Kayano and I had grown much closer. I don't know if it was the danger we were constantly in or something, but it seems like neither of us could stand to see our best friend go away.

I cherished our walks home together. I always felt at ease when I was with her. Like nothing bad could ever happen to us. Unfortunately, our walk today had to end as we both went to our respective houses.

Today, studying had run a little late, and I still had my pigtails up when I walked through the door. When I saw her eyes, I knew exactly what was about to happen

I quickly closed the door, locking it so no neighbors would hear what my mom was about to do.

(⚠️ Abuse Warning! ⚠️)

"You little insolent brat! *slap* Coming home late! *slap* Wearing your hair like that! *slap* Disobeying me! *slap* Who do you think you are!" She slapped my face over and over. With the last statement, she pushed me straight to the ground, my head hitting it pretty hard.

She pulled my pants off and I instinctively tried to squirm away. "Sorry, but this is what happens to daughters who won't listen to their kind and loving mothers!" She smiled evilly at me, ramming her foot down on my penis at the same time.

I muffled my own scream, not wanting anyone to hear. "Plus, it's all this thing's fault anyway! Without it, you'd be a much better daughter!" She kicked it back and forth with her foot, her heel colliding with my balls.

I rolled in agony, feeling like I was in hell. But I couldn't fight back and hurt her. I knew somewhere in there she loved me, right?

For what felt like hours, she tortured me. Crushing my balls, mutilating my penis. There were now two permanent marks from her heels, my penis forever marred by her abuse.

(⚠️ Warning End! ⚠️)

She let me go, forcing me to wear girl clothes and cook her dinner. I wasn't allowed to eat, so I went to bed, hungry and in pain. Tied up by the girly pajamas, I tossed and turned in pain. 'Maybe one day, someone will love me as a man. Pssh, who am I kidding. Who would love me and my destroyed penis?' With that thought, I fell asleep, in extreme pain, but too exhausted to think about it.


I woke up the next morning, my groin on fire. I threw off the sheets and remembered that not only were they crushed, but my privates were being constrained and squeezed all night by tight girly undergarments and clothes.

I limped around and got dressed for school, leaving before anything else could happen.

Kayano POV
After going through my morning routine earlier than usual (thanks to my garbage alarm clock), I walked to school, hoping that I could find Nagisa or someone else to talk to.

It looked like my wish was granted when I saw Nagisa walking up the mountain ahead of me. However, I noticed him limping again. The same limp as before. Twice is coincidence. Three times means something's up.

"Hey Nagisa! Wait for me!" I shouted since he was a little bit ahead of me.

He looked back, startled and frustrated that someone saw him before slipping into a fake smile. "Hey Kayano. Good morning." It may have been for less than a second, but I saw his pain and I worried.

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