Chapter 24

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Nagisa POV
That night, I was sleeping soundly on the couch, comforted just by the fact that Kayano was in the same room. Then, all of a sudden, I was woken up by whimpering coming from the bed. I quietly jumped up and over to Akari only to find her sweating profusely, tossing and turning in the sheets.

I grabbed her shoulders and gently shook her awake from the nightmare.

"I'm here for you Akari." I gently caressed her head. "Don't be scared, it's okay. I'm here. I'm here."

She sniffled, tears staining her face. "N-Nagisa, please stay here. Don't leave me..."

"Never, Akari. I love you." I comforted her again kissing her forehead. 'Was she having these nightmares often? And without anyone to help?'

She started to go back to sleep, so I let go of her hand and walked back to the couch. Just as I did, she called to me.

"No, Nagisa. Don't leave me, please. Just stay here. Sleep with me, please..." she begged me, obviously shaken up.

"Okay, okay, I'm here." I walked back to the bed and climbed under the covers. Instantly she snuggled up to me, nuzzling her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in tight, comforting her and stroking her hair. I was going to stay by her and protect her like I promised, even if it was only from her nightmares.

We fell asleep hugging each other, never wanting to let go.


The next day went just like the day before. When we woke up, I was happy to hear that her nightmares hadn't come back.

"I guess I'll have to sleep with you every night then..." I said jokingly as we cuddled in the morning.

"Mmm, yeah that sounds good..." she answered, softly rubbing her face on my arms.

We then spent the day hanging out: playing games, going for a walk, cooking. After dinner was finished, we moved to the couch to relax again when things got a little... steamy to say the least.

We were full on making out, with me on top, taking control and kissing her passionately. We were getting hot and heavy, my hands slipping under her shirt by the end. I didn't go further than that because we stopped ourselves. If we didn't, it might be a completely different story. Then we just fell asleep on the couch. Again.


The next day (Tuesday), Akari told me she wanted to stop by her house to pick up some clothes so she could stay till Friday. My mom came back on Saturday, so that was as late as she could stay. Akari went quickly, coming back holding a duffel of clothes.

Those three days (Tuesday-Thursday) went by pretty fast. We just hung out as usual, ending each day with a make out session. Each time, we stopped ourselves before we went too far, but we went further and further every day. By Thursday, I had undone her bra and was about to slip off her t-shirt before she managed to stop me.

It seems like ever since Saturday, there's been this desire between us. Lust, almost. It overtook us, leading us further and further. It addicted us to each other's moans, their taste. We wanted more every day.


Friday started off just like any other day. Wake up to each other's faces. Share the bathroom in the morning. Eat breakfast, hang out, and watch movies like any other day. But something... interesting... happened that evening. Something I'd never forget.

We had an extended make out session, reveling in each other's pleasure. Obviously nothing happened, but in all our fun, we managed to miss dinner.

It was already 9 PM, so I whipped up a quick yet delicious dinner. Some soba with grilled chicken. After eating, Akari insisted on cleaning up since I 'made her dinner even though it was sooo late.'

As she washed, I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, changed into pajamas, let down my hair, and climbed in bed, waiting for Kayano to come. I heard her walk upstairs, and she took some clothes from her bag before going into the bathroom to change.

After a few moments, I heard the lock click, and the door swung open. I looked up from the covers.

"W-what are you wearing, Akari?"


Again, sorry for he short chapter. But next chapter will be much longer. And it's the lemon scene. It's my first time writing something like that, but I think I did a good job. I'll put another warning but if you don't like that stuff feel free to skip it.
Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are always welcome!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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