Chapter 7

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Nagisa POV
The last week had been lots of fun, especially Kayano's pudding assassination. (Not to mention I thoroughly enjoyed our walks home together)

The following week, after Koro-sensei's Monday morning lessons, we had PE. Today, Karasuma-sensei told us that we'd be playing a game to assess our stealth as well as our overall assassination skills. He sounded quite serious, so we were all pretty amused when he said we'd just be playing Cops and Robbers.

"I know it seems simple, but there are a few changes. Firstly, you'll be working in pairs, to help practice group assassination skills. Secondly, the game can be won in two ways. If you can land a hit on both Koro-sensei and I, who will be the cops, then you will win instantly. Else, the last pair standing is the winner. Before you ask, yes, you may choose your own partners." Karasuma-sensei explained stoically. "You have 5 minutes before we start."

Before I knew it, everyone was already pairing up. Karma and Nakamura (no doubt for pranks), Sugino and Kanzaki, Chiba with Hayami, and so on. I looked around frantically to find a partner as a tap on my shoulder distracted me.
(A/N Karmanami for life! Just this once)

"Hey, Nagisa? Wanna be partners?" Kayano-san asked cheerfully.

"S-sure" I stuttered, flustered at the thought of being alone with Kayano. Karasuma-sensei's announcement brought me out of my thoughts.

"Alright! You will get a 2 minute head start! To be fair, Koro-sensei will not be searching, just guarding the prison. Understand? Good. Ready, set, go!" He yelled before blowing a whistle.

Before she could react, I jumped into action, grabbing Kayano's hand and running into the forest. I quickly blended into the trees silently.

Kayano POV (Easier for Nagikae. He's too damn dense)
Oh my gosh, he's holding my hand! Eek! He was surprisingly strong too, pulling me along through the trees without any resistance. 'He's kinda hot right now!' I thought, getting warm in the cheeks.

Once we were deeper in the forest, he let go of my hand, much to my disappointment. We walked side by side, but I was staring at his face. (Not like a creep or anything though). 'He's so cute when he's focused!'

I wasn't really looking ahead (since I was too busy looking at my partner) and I hit my foot on a rock. I tripped, closing my eyes and bracing myself to hit the ground. Then, I felt myself land on something warm and a lot more comfortable.

When I opened my eyes, they were met by soft blue ones staring right back. I could feel his warm breath against my neck, my face getting redder and redder at the position we were in. I was on top of Nagisa, basically pinning him down, our faces inches apart.

Blushing, I quickly rolled off to the side, but something inside me was pretty disappointed that I did. His body was sooooo nice. I didn't want to leave. My thoughts were then interrupted by an announcement from Karasuma-sensei saying that class had ended. No one won the game, mostly because of Koro-sensei's horrible guarding.

We walked back to the classroom awkwardly before heading home together. We walked in silence, neither of us not really knowing how to react to what just happened.

Nagisa POV
As I got back home, I couldn't help but think about that moment. Kayano on top of me, faces almost touching. I don't know what I was feeling right now. I remember blushing and feeling embarrassed when she was on top, but also really disappointed when she rolled off. Why? I didn't know. Irregardless, Kayano-san and I were just good friends, and I didn't want things to become awkward between us. (To be honest, I couldn't bear not hearing her voice for too long).

Exhausted from PE and thinking, I plopped on my bed and fell asleep, thoughts about a cat-tailed girl drifting about.


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