Chapter 8

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Nagisa POV
It was now Monday. The whole class had been studying over the weekend, working hard to prepare for the midterms. More importantly though, Me and Kayano were back to normal, finally. Spending some time alone studying really helped us get over the awkwardness.

But our relationship, err, friendship, would have to wait.

Today, we had to all head to the main campus for midterms. We'd be starting our tests in about half an hour. Today would be math, then tomorrow English, then Japanese, and so on.

The teacher overseeing us was, to put it kindly, an asshole. He scoffed at us just like the students. He berated and ridiculed us, even though we gave him no reaction. We were all quite respectful. Heck even Karma kept his cool. But he didn't give a rats ass. He was plain rude.

When the test started, he didn't stop. He tapped his pencil loudly on his desk. He shook his legs. Anything to make noise and distract us. I don't know why the rest of the school was dead set on making us fail when we were just trying our hardest.

Other than the teacher, they changed the test too. This was nothing like what's in the normal curriculum. Obviously, we hadn't gotten any memo about this change. Luckily we had a super teacher who always prepared us above and beyond, so we were pretty prepared.

But when I flipped the page, well, stumped doesn't cover it. I was beyond confused. This looked like high level high school material. The entire class stopped. Nothing was heard, except for the scratching of two pencils: Karma's of course and, surprisingly, Kayano's.

I knew math and science were her strong suits, but how could she possibly be doing this as well as Karma? She was smart, but by no means the math genius that was Karma. Now I was confused.

I spent the rest of the test in utter bewilderment. I had no idea how to even go about solving the questions. After it ended, we were given a 30 minute break before the next test would begin. Now was my chance to ask Kayano a question.

"Hey Kayano?" I approached her desk, right next to mine.

"Yeah Nagisa?"

"How were you going so fast on those last math problems. I didn't even know how to start!" I asked

"Uh, well, umm I was just trying random things. They were all wrong so I ended up going back and erasing them. Didn't you see?" To be fair, I did see her erasing a lot near the end. I guess she could be telling the truth.

"Oh, that makes sense I guess." After that, I sat back at my desk since the next exam would be starting soon.


The rest of the week went smoothly. I think I did okay, but there's no way to tell until the results come. All we could do was wait now.

Until then, it was back to class as usual. We started going over a little bit of new material, but summer vacation would start in 2 weeks, so there was no point in starting the main information.

Me and Kayano were back to hanging out as usual. Eating lunch together, walking home together. We were really good friends. Yet whenever we hung out, something was bothering me.

Sometimes, when I'd make a joke or we were just laughing, her hand would brush my leg. It wasn't much, maybe half a second. But each time her soft skin was on mine, I couldn't help but want more. When it left, all I felt was disappointment.

I knew that we were just friends. She was just being comfortable around me like she was with any of her other friends. But whenever it happened, I couldn't help but feel an irresistible urge to grab her hand and leave it on my leg.

But I couldn't tell Kayano. I didn't know what these feelings were. Maybe one day, if I'm sure, but for now I'll just hide it. We'll just be best friends, no matter my feelings. Kayano was far too amazing to deal with me.

And so, I let these feelings go. I didn't really touch her, and I always stood a little bit away. Mainly so she couldn't touch me and rile up those weird thoughts.

After a week, these thoughts seemed to have completely disappeared. Probably since my mind was preoccupied. Today was the day that the results came out. It was the day that we found out whether or not we beat the A-class.

"Before I pull out the results, I want to let you know that I am extremely proud of all of you. No matter how you all did, you all studied well." Koro-sensei encouraged.

"Enough with it you octopus! Just tell us!" Karma yelled from the back of the class. Looks like he was just as anxious as the rest of us, even if he didn't show it.

"Nurufufufu, of course Karma-kun." He said with his signature giggle. "Congratulations! You beat the A-class in every subject!"

The class erupted in cheers. Despite all odds and even the wishes of the entire school, we had succeeded. We, the forgotten "End Class" had beaten the prodigal A-class and their five virtuosos.

Now all that was left was to claim our reward.


Sorry for the short chapter this time, just hard to write sometimes. As always, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are welcome.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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