Chapter 5

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Nagisa POV
It had been quite a while since school started, and we were doing quite well. We had managed to get a few hits in, and I had learned many of Koro-sensei's weaknesses. However, Karasuma-sensei came into class today with some news.

"The government doesn't think you are progressing fast enough in your training or assassination ability. As such, they will be sending in a member of my specials ops team." he said, stoic as ever. "He will be your new PE teacher."

He came later that day. Takaoka-sensei was being quite nice, bringing us sweets and acting very much like a father. However, it may not have been obvious to everyone, but I sensed a huge bloodlust in him. He was hiding it well, so who knows what else he could be hiding. Right now, I don't trust him one bit.

The Next Day

When we came in to class today, we were told to go outside for a meeting with Takaoka-sensei before school started. When we all got there, he passed out some new schedules for us.

"What is this? PE all day up to 8 PM?! We can't do that, we still have to learn!" Isogai, our class rep, spoke up for us, saying exactly what we were all thinking. However, out of nowhere, a slap hit his face and sent him flying across the field.

"Isogai!!" the class yelled.

"Takaoka-sensei, why'd you do that?!" This time Kataoka, our other class rep, spoke.

"You all said it yesterday! I'm the class dad! And a dad has to discipline his children!" Takaoka said, a wicked grin on his face.

This is what I was worried about. I knew he couldn't be trusted. But, now, there was nothing we could do.

We all began the exercises he planned, even Isogai despite his pain. He started off with an hour long squat. I was doing okay, but even my legs were burning. Kayano-san, on the other hand, wasn't doing so hot. (Not that she isn't hot...wait no...what...huh?... argh!). Her legs were trembling, and she stood up out of the squat for just a second. And that was enough time for Takaoka-sensei to send her stumbling unconscious with a kick to the stomach.

I raced over to her side, an ice cold fury in my eyes. Much to my relief, she woke up quickly. But I was so focused on her that I missed Takaoka-sensei walking over, ready to beat me for getting up. Just as he raised his fist, Karasuma-sensei intervened.

"Enough Takaoka!" he yelled

"This is my class now, Karasuma! I will teach however I see fit!" Takaoka replied evilly.

"No! If you continue to harm the students, I will have no choice but to stop you." For the first time, Karasuma-sensei showed some care and concern for us. I guess beneath that stoic exterior he really was kind.

"How about this? If one of your precious students can land a bit on me in a duel, then I'll leave! If not, I'll be their teacher and you won't be allowed to intervene anymore! But the catch is...they'll be using this!" he said, brandishing a knife in his hands.

Before Karasuma-sensei could respond, I spoke up. "I'll do it."

"Are you sure, Nagisa?" Karasuma-sensei replied, concern yet confidence in his voice.

"Yes. He hurt my classmates and my best friend. I can't let that stand." I stood strong in my conviction.

"Very well then." Karasuma-sensei handed me the knife.

"Ha! You must be going dumb here! Sending that scrawny midget to fight your second in command?!" Takaoka hollered.

I paid no attention to it, putting the knife I my mouth and stretching my arms. As I did, Karasuma-sensei whispered a piece of advice. "Just think of this as an assassination."


Kayano POV
Oh my god. What the fuck was wrong with that guy? First he attacked two of us and now he challenged us kids to a duel? He must be mental. But then Nagisa must be even crazier to go up against this guy! He was the best assassin among us sure, but Takaoka was a highly trained special operations soldier. Surely Nagisa couldn't win in a hand to hand fight. But I couldn't just stand to the side and let Nagisa get hurt like this.

"Nagisa!" I yelled. "Please don't go get hurt! You don't have to do this!" Worry was the only thing on my mind and I'm sure Nagisa could see it.

He mouthed back to me, "Don't worry. I got this." Not at all reassuring.

I saw Karasuma-sensei whisper some advice to Nagisa right before the fight started. I really hope that Nagisa could beat him. Life under Takaoka would be hell. More importantly though, I hoped that Nagisa wouldn't get hurt.

'Why do I care about him so much? Not like it matters if he gets hurt. I can still go on with my plan. I don't care if a pawn gets hurt along the way...but is Nagisa just a pawn to me? Or is he something more? Am I something more to him?' I thought to myself. 'He did single me out from the rest of the class when he stood up. And he was right by my side the moment I got hurt. Does he really care for me?'

I was pulled out of my thoughts as the fight began. I saw Nagisa calmly walk up to Takaoka, as if just walking to school. Nagisa walked all the way towards him, bumping into him, millimeters apart.

Then, the viper struck. He swung his knife, startling Takaoka and sending him stumbling back. Nagisa used this to his advantage, slithering behind him for the kill.

In the blink of an eye, Takaoka was on the ground, a knife to his neck. Yet, Nagisa didn't seem all too phased.

"Why are you all staring? Did I use the wrong side of the knife or something?" he asked, tilting his head to the side (quite cutely, I might add).

They both got up and Takaoka demanded a rematch. Nagisa obviously refused, knowing he would lose on the second time around. The argument was cut short by Principal Asano, who came and, thankfully, fired Takaoka.

"You may have been sent by the government, but this is still my school. I have the final say. And I won't allow a teacher who hurts their students."

Briefcase in hand, Takaoka ran off with his tail between his legs. The principal was one scary guy.

The moment he was gone, I ran and tackled Nagisa, hugging him as hard as I could.

"Don't do that! I was so worried for you!" I said, not caring who was watching.

"...air...aair!" was all he got out, tapping my back. I released the pressure, but kept him in the hug. "Thank you for worrying Kayano. C-can you let go now?" he stuttered, flustered and face red in embarrassment.

As I got up, I saw the state he was in and thought about what I just did. A pink came to my cheeks as I thought about Nagisa. He was so focused, so strong. Whether he realized it or not, he had just saved us all. He wasn't just my best friend, he was my hero.

As I fell asleep later that night, I thought about Nagisa and how he saved us. I blushed a little as I remembered the feeling of his soft hands on my back, hugging me. I hugged my pillow, internally wishing it was Nagisa. That night, I dreamt of a blue viper.


I hope you liked this chapter, it's one of my longest yet. As always, leave comments, questions, grammar, and ideas in the comments.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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