Chapter 18

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Nagisa POV
It was the next week, and things had gone back to normal. Today, we had a math test which I spent all night studying for. I was exhausted, but I just wanted to do well on the test.

When we finished homeroom, Koro-sensei announced that we'd be starting with the test, saying that our brains were more active in the morning or something. I didn't care. As long as it meant I could get the test over with.

I went through surprisingly fast. (I guess my studying worked after all). I finished only a few minutes after Karma, a surprise considering it was not at all my strong suit.

After I handed the test to Koro-sensei, I went back to my desk. I put my head down, facing the window. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was Kayano.

Kayano POV
This math test was pretty hard, so I was surprised to see Nagisa finish second. Especially since I know math is one of his weak points.

What was more surprising though was him falling asleep immediately. Nagisa was usually quite diligent and polite, not the type to sleep in school. He must've been really tired, so I decided not to wake him up. Let him get some rest.

Only a few people had finished by now. I turned in my paper, maybe the fifth or sixth to finish. As I was going back to my desk, I heard Nagisa mumble something.

"Mmm, Kayano, we can't do that here, mmmh, people are watching..." he slowly got the words out in his sleep.

Intrigued, I whispered into his ear. "We can't do what Nagisa?"

"Hmm, Kayano?" He stirred. "Wait, was I talking out loud?!" He whisper shouted back at me.

"A little, but only I heard. It was quiet, and everyone is busy with the test."

"Uh, what did you hear?" he asked nervously

"Nothing much, just that people would be watching us..." I winked at him a little suggestively. (Maybe I could seduce him into dating me... What?! No!... But he does stare at me a lot, it could work...)

He thought about it for a second, then realized what I had heard. His face was as red as Karma's hair, and he slammed his head into his desk to hide. 'Eeek! He's so cute when he's embarrassed! Maybe I should tease him a little more...'

"It's okay, it'll be our little secret" I whispered into his ear again, his body flinching a little. I smirked a little at his bright red cheeks before going back to the work on my desk.

Nagisa POV
It was lunch now, and I was still embarrassed. I can't believe I said that out loud! To be frank, I was thinking about Kayano kissing me in front of the whole class, and I guess I actually started talking. (Not like that would happen. She wouldn't kiss me...Not that I want her to kiss me or anything... her lips were soft though...)

Before I could think about it too hard, I saw the two devils walking towards me. 'Oh shit. What do they have planned now?'

"Oi, Nagisa! What's this I hear about you doing something with Kayano while everybody watches?" he smirked and I could've sworn I saw horns popping out.

"W-what are y-you talking about?" I stumbled on my words, instantly convicting me.

"You really think no one heard your little mumbles Nagisa?" He pouted, feigning disappointment.

"Luckily, I was there to collect blackmail!" Nakamura exclaimed, showing me a video of my sleep talking.

"Hey delete that!" I reached for the phone, but Karma just held it above his head. Damn my short body!

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