Chapter 23

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Nagisa POV
My eyes flicked open, only to be greeted by a curtain of light. Yeah, it was definitely morning. But where was I? I looked around and saw that I was in my living room with the TV still on.

'Must've fell asleep watching a movie...' or that's what I thought until I felt the weight on top of me moving around a little.

Akari was right on top of me, her head on my chest sleeping peacefully. I glanced at the clock and saw it was already 9. Akari had slept at my house. Right next to me no less. I blushed at the thought of her and I sleeping together (not like that...yet) before spiraling into a panic.

'Oh fuck! If we're asleep here on the couch that means my mom definitely saw us. On top of each other! Shit! I haven't even told her about us yet!' I began to sweat all over, the consequences of having a girl sleep over on my chest paralyzing me with fear. My heart was racing as was my mind.

In my racing thoughts, I finally remembered that my mom was away on a trip for the week. We were safe. But it seems like all my worrying had disturbed Akari from her sleep.

"Mmm, five more minutes Nagisa..." she grumbled. "Wait, Nagisa?!"

"Yeah, it, uh, seems like we fell asleep last night..." I was scratching my head, blushing at the position we were in right now.

Quickly realizing herself, Akari practically jumped off of me. "Were you watching me sleep or something you creep?!"

"No, I just woke up a few minutes earlier. I didn't want to wake you up since you looked so cute but I started worrying abo-" my explanation was cut off by a very angry, very cute girl.

"So you were watching me then?!"

"Oh, uh, I guess. I'm sorry! Let me make it up to you! I can make breakfast!" I offered, almost begging her for forgiveness. I did not want to be on her bad side.

She didn't respond, just huffed at me and sat at the table. I was dumb, but not that dumb. I took that as my cue, running into the kitchen and throwing on an apron. I whipped up a full American breakfast in no time: pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage.

I brought all the food and set it before her as a peace offering. She took a whole stack of pancakes onto her plate, cutting them and trying a piece. As she chewed she just said, "Apology accepted."

As we ate, Akari started up some small talk.

"Any plans for today?" She spoke in between bites.

"Mmm, not much, but since my mom is away till school starts, I'm completely free." I answered swallowing a piece of bacon.

"Then how about I stay over and hang out? We can have some fun..." Almost as if teasing me, Akari grabbed one of the sausage links with her hands, putting it between her lips and sucking on it, licking it, bobbing up and down. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hard.

"Uh, ah, yeah, t-that sounds good..." I said blushing, her sounds of sucking and licking filling the room. Then she let it out with a satisfying pop.


After getting over the awkwardness after what Akari just pulled, we decided to watch a movie, since we didn't really watch one last night. Akari picked some sappy rom-com, so I put it on and just relaxed.

As we watched, she lay her head in my lap. I stroked her soft green hair mindlessly, just running my fingers through. She paid no attention, and I brushed it with a comb before gently braiding it.

"Wow, Nagisa, where'd you learn to do hair like that? It felt really nice."

"Oh, uh, from my girl-training..." I answered calmly as I massaged her head. Her hair felt really nice in my hands.

"Oh, sorry..." she looked a little sad

"Don't worry! At least you get to enjoy it, right? Makes the suffering worth it!" I assured her.

"Well, I don't want you suffering though..."

"If it's for you, I'd do anything. I love you!" I told her.

"Mmm, you're so sweet, Nagisa. I love you too!" She said, nuzzling her head into my lap.

We'd spent the day just like that, relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Akari had even played with my hair a little, saying that it felt good when she did it the other night. I had to admit it felt nice too.

Before we knew it, night had fallen, and it was already 9 PM. I couldn't very well send her home, so she'd be sleeping here again.

"Alright, you can take my bed and I'll just sleep on the couch in my room." Since it was just my mom and I, we didn't have any guest rooms and there was no way I'd put Akari in the lions den.

"No I'll take the couch. It's your house."

"No you won't. You're my guest, so you'll take the bed."




"We'll decide later. For now, you should shower and change. You're still in the clothes from yesterday." I paused the argument temporarily.

"But what would I change into? I didn't bring any clothes. I wasn't really expecting to sleep over."

"Oh, yeah. Umm, uh, huh. Oh, I know! You can wear some of the girly clothes my mom bought for me! You can just take one of the pajamas."

"But what about, you know, underwear?"

"They're there too. I imagine we're probably around the same size. Worse comes to worse I can wash your clothes while you shower." I answered, a little embarrassed to have all these girly clothes.

"Oh, ok." I could tell she felt a little bad for me. "Uh, where are all the clothes? I'll probably take a bath now."

"Bottom drawer of my dresser. Towels are in the bathroom. And I won't come up unless you call me."

She went up, and after 20 minutes, she called me. I went up, changed, and walked back into my room.

"No." Akari immediately started the argument up again.

"Yes." I rebutted.




"I guess I'll have to make you then!"

"Make m-" she started to ask, but was interrupted. I put my hands on her sides under her shirt and began to tickle her.

"N-N-Nagisaaa...hahaha...stoooop...p-pleaseee..." she could barely get words out between her constant laughter.

"Not until you agree to sleep in the bed!" As I tickled her, I pulled her towards the bed. I moved my hand to her back and kept tickling her till she fell on the bed. She rolled around laughing, trying to escape my grasp.

Once I tired her out, I stopped ticking her and tucked her in tightly, squeezing the sheets under her. She was a pretty little burrito.

"Fine! I'll sleep here!" Akari admitted defeat, still rolling around, futilely trying to escape.

"Mhmm. Goodnight Akari." I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before settling onto the couch.

"G'night. I love you!" She whisper-shouted from across the room.

"I love you more, Akari!"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next will be quite short just because of how the chapters work out. But after that will be decently long. And it'll be the lemon chapter. I'll be sure to put a warning. Luckily not much actual story, so if you want to skip it you can.
Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are welcome.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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