My Beginning

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Our story begins a little late into my life unlike it did for other certain superheroes. My name is Ophelia and I'm 20, a college junior. I'm also the keeper of the Lion Miraculous. Everyone knows the story of Ladybug and Chat Noir and how they began saving Paris. They've been in the business of saving that place for about five or six years now. Somehow, they've still managed to keep their identities a secret. I guess that goes for the hero's of New York as well, they're all too good at keeping secrets. Lately people have been trying to figure out their secrets. No, not just Hawkmother. The news wants to know. They all grew up with these hero's so I guess they're just curious now. What this curiosity caused was the reveal of other superheroes. Some from America and some from France. Queen Bee did everyone a favor and told everyone years ago. Then it was this horse and monkey miraculous to go next. They're all just high school kids. Or, they were. Time has passed. With time, the two superheroes of Paris grew stronger and so did their enemies. They didn't have anyone to lean back on anymore. They couldn't give the miraculous to those old people who had either identies leaked. Maybe that's how I came into play. I'm not sure how I got my miraculous. I just kind of found it one day. It was my first day in Paris. I'd be starting my junior year of college here. I used to go to school up in New York but decided I'd rather travel. Needless to say, French classes paid off.

I walked up the stairs to my new college. It was huge and beautiful.. I was so distracted that I ended up bumping into someone.

"Whoa!-.." I whispered to myself when I smacked into this girl. She about fell down the stairs. I managed to catch her by the arm and push her back up, meanwhile I took the fall.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She shouted and quickly came to help me out. She speaks English? Huh..

"Yeah, I'm alright" I gave a short laugh as she pulled me to my feet, "I'm sorry about that" I apologized with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm sure half of that was my fault, I'm pretty clumsy" she giggled to me as we picked up out things we dropped.

"Yeah, that makes two of us" I nodded, "I've gotta go find the office but I'll see you around" I waved and smiled.

"Oh, you're new?" She asked excitedly. Her black pig tails bounced when she took a step closer to me and had a pretty purse on her hip.

"Yeah a little, I'm new here but I'm a junior. This is my 3rd year" I explained happily and didn't mind staying to talk.

"Me too! Well, not the new part but I'm a junior too! Do you live around here? I could give you a tour sometime" she asked and was more than friendly which is odd because Europeans supposedly hate Americans.

"That'd be really nice, I live in an apartment by the canal down that way," I nodded behind her where she quickly looked then back at me.

"Here, I'll give you my number and when you're finished with school we can hang out sometime" she said as she wrote her number down on a sticky note then gave it to me.

You're probably wondering when I get my miraculous in this boring story? Well, it was when I got back home that I found it. I went to change into some comfy clothes and when I came back out, I found a black box sitting on the kitchen island. When I opened it, I found this earring. It was just one, it was a hoop. I doubt I would have realized what this really was if I didn't have a piercing. When I was in high school, I pierced my couch. It hurt more than I'll admit to but still, I guess this is an earring for it. It's just plain silver and has a little charm on it. It showed the face of a lion. This is a really pretty piece, I don't know who would've even left it. I thought maybe it was that girl, that she somehow knew where I lived or saw me walk in.

I took the box and myself to my room. I cleaned off the earring with some water. I took out my old plain stud then out in this new earring. It was the exact same gauge and everything and it felt so nice, no pain! Although, that quickly became the least of my worries. Something glowed. I looked behind me and found nothing then I heard something. A voice, something a bit high pitched. I looked back in front of me to find a tiny floating animal.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now