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It's 10:30 am and it's a little stormy outside. The girls said they couldn't make it over till a little later in the day which was totally fine. Besides, Leon and duusu were tired of hiding in my closet anyway. They ranted for about 20 minute about how cute, in duusus' case, and how absolutely disappointing, in Leon's eyes, what happened between me and chat was. While they ranted, I was looking around for more pins for my dress but it looks like we ran out yesterday. I also needed to go buy tulle to finish off my dress, I forgot to get it.

First I called Adrien to ask if there were any black tulle at the estate but he didn't answer so he mustve been busy. I got dressed to go out after the call. It is a little rainy so I wore a long coat and rain boots along with whatever was under that. I planned to grab some breakfast on the way as well.

First I went to the store. It was pretty empty inside and out on the streets but I don't blame them. There are Halloween decorations all over the store, I didn't really realize that Paris celebrated most of the same holidays America did till now. I didn't waste much time in the store, I got what I needed and left. When that was done, I went to a coffee house nearby. It's not very full but there are some people inside working. This place is within a middle class neighborhood. There are a lot of apartment buildings around here. I went inside and got something to drink and a chocolate filled croissant then headed back out the door. When I went outside this time I found a kitten. It's very small, definitely not any older than 4 months. It's skinny and soaked and I can see it's little ribs.

I stopped in my spot and just looked at it for a second. Obviously I want to pet it but I've never owned a cat before so I'm not sure if they're too friendly, especially one raised on the streets. I was sure it'd run away from me if I moved towards it so I didn't do anything but watch. I looked right back at me with these huge green eyes, well actually, its left eye was blue and the right was green. It has white front paws while the rest of its body is a sleek black.

"I like your gloves" I told the kitten with a little smile. It's left ear twitched and it shook its head, rubbing its ear with its paw. "I bet you're hungry too," I said as I pulled off a plain piece of the croissant then slowly kneeled. "Do you live around here?" I asked it with a smile and held out the food in my palm while holding my umbrella in my other hand. I set my cup and the rest of the bagged crossaint on the ground by my foot.

It just stood and stared at me quietly without making a move while we both listened to the light rain fall. I let out a soft sigh through my nose. "Well, I guess I'll leave this here for you" I said as I placed the food on the ground before picking up my things and stood. Suddenly, it meowed. It did it twice almost as if it thanked me. I smiled and nodded then took a step the opposite direction down the sidewalk to my car parked on the curb. After I had taken steps away, I turned my head in wonder and found it eating the food I left. I couldnt help smiling knowing this.

I walked back to my car. I set my purse down in the passenger seat and the cup in the cup holder. I looked down to make sure my prosthetic wouodnt hit the bottom of the door as I stepped in but when I did that, I noticed the cat strutting towards me. It stopped a couple feet away from me. I smiled then took a little more food out for it.

"Here, you need this more than me I'm sure" I said as I slowly kneeled down again. I was going to set the food on the ground but the cat started walking towards me. It sniffed my finger tips for a second then ate the food from my hand. It's a gentle little thing i see. I guess it doesn't sense anything bad from me. When it was finished, I slowly stood back up. As I did that, I watched the cat jump into my car without a thought in its little head. "Hey uh, whatcha doing in there buddy?" I asked and kinda panicked. Does it wanna go with me?

It climbed to my back seat while leon and duusu peaked out of my pocket to watch with me. Then the cat sat down and just stared at me. "We should take him with us. I think he wants a home" duusu suggested with a smile as Leon carried her out to the passenger seat to sit with him.

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