Nightly Talks

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"Tikki told me your guys' meeting went really well. She was really happy to meet you" Ladybug told me with a short laugh.

"Yeah, Plagg was more than happy with the snacks too" Chat noir added with an eye roll.

"Well I was just happy tikki brought me some cookies. That bakery is my favorite!" I sighed happily.

As of now, we're all sitting at the eiffel tower just to hang out. We had already finished patrolling so there's not much to do now.

"Mine too," Ladybug giggled, "did I tell you guys about our last Akuma?" She asked which alarmed chat and I.

"We had an Akuma? When? Were you okay?" Chat asked quickly as we both sat up straighter with worry.

"I was just fine. She wasn't aggressive anyway and she didn't aim for the other civilians.. she was just sad.." ladybug leaned back with a little smile. She's talking about me..

"Who was it?" Chat noir asked as I let myself relax. I feel embarrassed knowing this was me they're talking about..

"Ophelia Anderson.. Her grandmother passed on top of some other things she was dealing with and she just couldn't hang on anymore.." Ladybug explained but did it with a smile. It felt sad but not pitiful.

"I heard about her grandma but I didn't know she got akumatized for it.." Chat muttered as I looked out at the city.

"It makes me wonder if it's easy to be akumatized." I said out of the silence which caught their attention.

All this time, chat had suspected kya to be Ophelia but now he was really thrown off..

"I know having someone you love just go away so quickly hurts but can't you hold it in somehow?.. I almost was once-" I said as I glanced to chat then looked away, "but I fought it off easily.."

"Maybe she let it happen.. What happened when she got akumatized?" Chat asked ladybug.

Ladybug smiled a little bigger as she rubbed her sleepily eyes while I brought one of my knees against my chest and laid my head on it just so they wouldn't see me like this. "She turned herself into a little girl again.. She just wanted someone to hold her I think.. Maybe she wanted to go back in time.."

"If she wanted to go back, she would have been given that power though, right?" I asked them as I stared out at the city lights.

"I heard she never got the chance to be a kid with the type of mother she had," chat began which really shocked me. How much does he know about me?.. "Maybe she just wanted to be coddled for once.. for someone to take care of her.."

"Ha-.." I gave a quiet laugh that made chat give me a dirty look. As if he thought I were making fun of myself. I guess I am though.. "wouldn't that be nice?.. To always have someone by your side even as an adult. To have someone help you no matter what it is.." I explained with a sad smile and shake of my head. "Unfortunately, that's not how things work.. It doesn't matter how hard you try, does it?.." I mumbled to myself.

"That's not true, Kya," Ladybug spoke with a smile as I looked at her, "I have someone like that. He's always taken care of me for as long as I can remember. We're even finally starting the next stage of our life together soon.." she explained with this look of joy I've always wished I could feel.

"You're getting married?! Bugaboo-" Chat noir acted as if he genuinely just lost the love of his life.. and for whatever reason, that somewhat hurt.

"No!.. Not yet.." She shouted back and couldn't hide her smile.

"No ring yet?" I asked with a smile and tilt of my head.

"No.." she sighed. Chat stood up though..

"I'm going to take another look around. You girls should head home soon.." He said before he left.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now