Mommy Issues..

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I woke up feeling freezing. I was alone still at the top of the tower. I was covered in snow and my ears hurt. It was very early and bright, so I went home.

I detranformed when I got home. I gave Duusu and Leon a lot of snacks and hot drinks then we all went and sat in the bath. They swam in the sink while I stayed in the tub curled up in a ball with my knees to my chest. There's so much on my mind. All I want to think about is how to find hawkmoths layer from the inside but my mom keeps coming to mind..

During this time, my mother messaged me. I don't know how she got my number.. She told me to be ready in 15 minutes. I had to race out of the bath. I didn't even have time to straighten my hair like she likes it! She said she'd ruin it all today!

I blow dried my hair and made it as straight as I could. I managed to put on makeup and a fitting outfit for the winter time before she got here. She told me to come downstairs now. I put a nice hat on my head to cover my miraculous and I wore duusus burette on my bra, on the inside. I feel horrible for disrespecting her miraculous like this but it can't be helped..

Someone was waiting outside in a black limo for me. It was one of Gabriel's limos. I-Inside was Gabriel, Adrien, and mom..

"Good morning, I'm very sorry for keeping everyone waiting" I apologized with a bow of my head before getting in. I had to sit next to Adrien, I'm glad for that but mother is-.. not.

"Don't worry, we weren't kept long. Besides, we were all surprised when Julia dropped in this morning, though it is good to see her." Gabriel explained nicely but mom hated that! Oh god..

"Yes, but it is still Christmas. I wish you could've spent the morning together instead of catering to me and my mother.." I explained which pissed off mom even more. I-i thought I said the right thing!

"Nonsense, you're a part of our family now. Adrien and I both would have asked you to join us for dinner, if not breakfast like we are now" Gabriel actually smiled and knew it pissed off mom.

"Thank you.." I smiled and looked down at my hands folded in my lap.

"I'm afraid some things need to be discussed now rather than later. You can always eat together another day.." mother spoke out which really scared me. I feel sick..

"Ophelia.." Adrien suddenly talked for the first time since we saw each other when I ran away from him. It scared me. Mother is watching me so intently. "Where did these scratches come from? You were home all yesterday.." Adrien asked as my mother's rage grew. I think Gabriel even caught on to it as well.

"A cat came to hide from the cold last night.. I guess I forgot I was left with a scratch.." I explained but in pieces. I didn't say it was the cat..

"How unfortunate, Ophelia. For a model's face to be harmed is almost a sin." Mother hummed as my stomach tightened. "That reminds me.. Your hairdresser and dermatologist will be seeing you today."

My eyes shot wide open when I heard that. I made sure my hair covered the expression though. "Hairdresser?" Gabriel asked. "The volume of the hair she has now is ideal in today's world and for her image as a model. It is to not be touched." He explained quite sternly. I slowly grabbed the fabric of my dress tighter and tighter..

"You'd be surprised by how many people look down upon hair like hers. Frizzy and untamed.. just like her father's. They never seemed to take care of themselves, it's no wonder he ended up gone so quickly.." She spoke those words as if it were nothing! In her eyes, they really were nothing.. she's horrible..

"I don't believe that to be true." Adrien spoke out of turn, "she's more than unique.. A girl like that is dangerous to every other in the running.." He spoke as I felt his gentle hand play with a strand of my hair. My heart was beating so painfully fast but I didn't know if it was fear or something else! Please don't touch me, please don't get any closer! You'll only get hurt, Adrien!

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