im done

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Okay fair warning, there's a tiny bit of secual tension at the end if this one...

I woke up in bed. My head hurt and my eyes won't stay shut. I could feel something was wrong. I didn't know what happened and I didn't know what i needed to do. I got dress and left my house.. Everyone looked like the same person.. But dead.

As I walked down the street I saw walking zombies of one man, the same man. They were all dead. Some hung from trees, some jumped from roofs. They were all Adrien. They'll put me in a hospital if I say something.. What is wrong with me?..

I searched for Leon and duusu. I searched for my friends houses. I even searched for the real Adrien. I don't know if I actually had my sanity or not but somehow I knew this wasn't real. I couldn't think though, how could I when all I saw was the man I love who was dead or trying to die. How long did this insanity last? How long was I stuck in this world? What happened to me? Even the TV was full of dead adriens.. 

How could this happen though? Was I dreaming? Last I remember, I was confronting Gabriel and he hurt me.. now this?.. Is this some sick joke? It kept happening for days!

One night I heard a voice. It told me I had hung in there for so long, that I was doing so well for living through actual hell.. But he told me it was about to become worse.

When I woke up the next morning, it was to scratching. Chat noir was at my door. His baton was sticking out of his chest.. I wonder how many times I threw up after seeing that. I wondered how crazy my imagination must be to see this. I wondered what was wrong with me. I got to the point where I wasn't hanging on anymore. If my mind wasn't corrupted so badly I would have realized this was an illusion made by the miraculous he stole.

It got too much though. I tried to ignore it. I tried to convince myself that this was my imagination since it never touched me. But still, he hunted me night and day. I didnt sleep, eat, drink- i-i didn't shower! I didn't do anything.. I didnt even take care of ivy because somehow, everyone disappeared. Duusu, leon, ivy.. everyone. So finally when it got too much, I tried to end it.

I was praised as I climbed the tower. He said I was doing the right thing, that it'd all end once I jumped.

So finally when I reached the top, I walked off.

The fall was peaceful. I finally could see the world how it was.. I saw individual people and the flowers of spring.. I could smell the breeze and feel the wind in my face.. But it stopped. Someone caught me, chat noir. He was dead too. He was close though, I could see the scratches on his face, his own blood and muscles ripped from his very own body. When I was put down, I threw up. When I had the strength, I moved away from the dead man I loved so much. But he followed me. His face kept getting more and more disgusting. His skeleton showed a-and there was-.. I threw up when he stood in front of me again. I threw up even if nothing but drops of blood came out.

Why couldn't I die? Why do I have to see this? Where are my kwamis? I don't even know where my cat is..

"Would you rather be akumatized?"

I answered yes. As soon as I heard it and knew there was a way out, I took my chances. It got that monster out of my eyes. I was blind and let something take control of my body.. This was how the story went...

"I've showed you all my valuable spots! I showed you everything that hurt me! Everything that I was horrible at!.. Ha.. Not that anyone noticed.. It'll only make it harder for you now.. I was such a good little kitten and stayed down just as grumpy chat noir always asked me. I'm afraid this time I've had enough, now you'll really see what you've done to me because I'm tired of looking at you."

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