Return the Stolen

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That night was really something. I'm still not sure how I feel about it but I call it a win. I have nuroo safe, I got my dance and showed Adrien my dress, things went really well.

The world doesn't exactly know how to feel about kya anymore. They used to love her then hate her and now it's weird. I think maybe now they fear her. She has a scary miraculous that used to hurt everyone and the peacock too. She's known for hurting someone famous very badly.. But I'll show them kya is good somehow. I just really don't wanna give away my identity yet. How would Adrien feel about me then?..

"How are feeling nuroo? A little better?" I asked him as I sat on the toilet seat while my three kwamis had a fun time in the 'bath', my sink. I even put a little bath bomb in there for them to play with.

"Yes! Th-Thank you, kya!" Nuroo shouted and flew out just to hug my cheek. He's one of the most affectionate kwamis I've ever met. This poor little guy must've had to deal with so many horrible things..

"When do you think you'll be ready to go back to ladybug? She's really worried for you and duusu" I asked with a little smile.

"Well, I kinda like it here with you.." duusu muttered nervously. My eyes widened a bit.

"But.. I'm not your holder, am I?.. No- if you want to stay, you can. You'll have to tell ladybug that though" I gave a crooked smile.

"B-but what if she says no?" She asked quickly.

"Then Ophelia and I will protect you!" Leon shouted out proudly. I nodded and smiled.

"Really?" Duusu asked as she teared up.

"Of course," I giggled happily, "And nuroo, it won't hurt my feelings what you decide to do." I told him.

"I think I'll go back to ladybug.." he told me shyly.

"Okay," I nodded and showed him that it was completely fine.

"Dont you wanna go back too, duusu?.." nuroo asked as he went back to the water.

"No, I like it here with Leon and ophelia and ivy!" She shouted happily.

"Thanks, duusu" I smiled and rested my head in my arms on the counter top.

"Hey ophelia, I talked with my guardian a little while ago.." Leon told me suddenly which instantly made me panic.

"Did they miss you?.." I asked and tried to be alright and not panic.

"Huh? Oh.. maybe.." he hummed and looked confused. "Well, she asked about you and how you were doing. She'll be so happy to hear about nuroo!" He exclaimed happily. That was a little bit of a relief.

"Really? I'm glad" I giggled.

"Shes really happy she chose you as my master. She has about 2 other miraculous she takes care of too." He explained in thought happily.

"Oh yeah! That's the only box with only 3 miraculous! Oh, with the Koi and Eagle! You 3 are so different!" Duusu exclaimed. There's a koi miraculous? You're telling me there's a mermaid somewhere?!

"Whoa.." I hummed in awe.

"Yeah, I guess so" Leon shrugged, "anyway, she wanted you to be the garden now!"

My mouth nearly dropped. This person trusts me with that?

"Wh-What?" I raised my head in total shock, "B-But she saw the stuff I did! I'm crazy!" I shouted out.

"No, you're courageous," duusu hummed happily.

"You are, kya.. You saved me and duusu and even got really hurt doing it.. You're amazing" nuroo explained as all 3 looked up to me.

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