Growing Pains

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About 2 days have passed since I told alya and Marinette I was secretly with chat. During this time, I went home. I figured now that I'm in a better head space and I can kinda get around on my own that I'd be alright. Rena Furtive stopped by the first night I got home. She brought me a friend..

"Ophelia!" Duusu.. She's sitting in Renas' hands and was filled with joy yet.. she couldn't fly to me..

"Since her miraculous broke a little more, it's affected duusu too.. I didnt want to bring her back till you were away from the estate so.." rena explained as I stumbled to get off my bed and see them. I could hardly walk on my prosthetic but I managed for them.

"Duusu! You're back, youre-.." I stopped as I finally held her.. "im so sorry.." muttered as I began to tear up.

"Im sorry I didn't help you fight hawkmoth.. Mn.. And now you lost your leg too!" Finally when she began crying, leon heard all the way from the kitchen. He flew so fast into duusu that they both fell out of my hands! I leaped forward just to try and catch them again! I managed to save them but I stompted too hard on my prosthetic and fell from the sudden pain.

"Duusu.." Leon whispered her name as they hugged. I've never seen him so quiet and uncompossed.. He really loves duusu..

"Leon.." She quietly tried to stop crying for the first time ever as she hugged him back. "Im here, I never left, I just went back to my guardian for a little bit.." she comforted him.

My eyes were wide as they spilled tears while I watched them hug and love each other. These beings are as old as time, they've gone through everything together.. they always thought they could never love one another but they were so wrong.. Leon was the first to know that I think.. It took so long for him to understand the feeling..

Is this the same feeling I have for Chat?.. id be devastated if I knew something happened to him and we were apart without me knowing he was okay or not.. But does he feel that too?.. When I first got hurt and went home, I didn't see him for weeks, a month even! Did he not care?.. He said he knew what happened to me.. He never came to see how I was doing..

"Cubby, she's back home too again. Isn't this great? Maybe we could throw a party!.." Leon suggested as he looked at me. He's in tears too.. I dont think I really remember a time when he's cried. He's been panicked before but never crying..

"Yeah.." I muttered and smiled as Rena helped me up.

"Your leg okay? I know it's hard getting used to that prosthetic" she asked me with a smile as I sat down on my bed. Leon flew off with duusu to the kitchen to talk and snack.

"Yeah, I'm alright.." I shook my head and smiled as I rubbed my eyes. "I guess seeing them made me realize something.. something important about myself and someone else.." I muttered and honestly felt so-.. So down..

"Yeah I get that" rena smiled as she sat next to me and leaned back on her hands. "They made me remember how lucky I am to always have my boyfriend to hang onto.." she hummed as she looked to the ceiling, "you have someone too" she looked at me happily.

"Um.. Yeah but it just.. It wasn't the same when I saw those two.." I answered as I put my hands in my lap. I gently kicked out my right leg to see my prosthetic.. "He wasnt there though.. I-I mean, leon didn't have a choice, it was too dangerous I think and he was worried about me too-.. But someone.. He had a choice.. And.. I guess it wasn't me.." I tried to explain but I really didn't. I just couldn't spit out the words I wanted to say..

"Tell me what really happened.." Rena asked softly as she put her hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see her smiling face. She's trying to understand..

"When I first got hurt, I didn't see him at all because I was in the hospital but then I got home a-and it had been almost a month and half since we saw each other and it's not like I can exactly go find him!.." I tried to explain but I feel so overwhelmed. "And then he did come back for just a second but i-I couldn't lie to him so I told him to go then he caught me while my mom was here a-and-" I was getting so caught up that I couldn't breathe.

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