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A gunshot.

That was all it took for everything to stop. The dark caved in and my mask fell away from me, leaving me as I always was, Ophelia. I had planned to reveal myself but not exactly this way.. I could hear yelling and screaming and saw something running around.. Finally, the last superheros of paris, witnessed the death of kya.

All I heard was ringing and felt the weakness in my body then pain pierce through my chest and head.. And I fell. Where I had been standing in an alley facing off with those who I cared for, I fell. I fell in the dirty water, light snow and my own blood.

I stared up at the sky watching the light snow fall with tears clouding my eyes and a constant ringing in my head. My head won't stop pounding and I can't breathe. I can't hear anything. I can't feel anything, I don't know where Leon went but I know like duusus, Leon's miraculous.. its shattered.

Two faces popped up in front of me. They had fallen from the bright sky.. Why were they up there? Why am I.. Here? I loved the color of the sky at this time..
They're all wearing masks. Why would they wear those? Is it Halloween? I'm on the ground and it's really cold and really hot too. My ear burns.. Didn't I just have halloween?..

"Ophelia!.." a boy's lips moved. Hes in green and blue, he looks like a snake person. I could hear him say my name but his lips kept moving and I couldn't hear the rest.

Why is this space so small? Why does my ear hurt? Why's it hot and cold?

"SHE'S HURT-.." the man in the snake  outfit screamed and tried to push- Is that Luka? No, he's viperion. No, viperion and Luka are-.. Are they..

Why does my ear hurt so bad?

"No.." That was quieter than the other person. She's got a red mask that looks like- oh, ladybug! And viperion, so theyre- um.. Ow, my ear hurts..

My eyes traveled back to the sky. Why's there blue and red lights now? My ear hurts a lot..

"Ophelia.." A gentle voice now.. A man, he has pretty blonde hair and he's wearing that black suit and bell. He's got a black mask and those ears- "Was this apart of your plan too?" Adrien. Adrien? He knows about my plan? What plan.. Plan.. Why won't my ear stop hurting? "Whyd you do all this.." His eyes dripped tears. Chat noir.. Adrien.. He's crying..

Why are you- "Crying.." im not sure if I spoke those words all. Is he okay? Why does my ear hurt? Why's it snowing so bad?

"Ophelia?..." A very tiny high pitched voice.. It was a little creature in ladybugs hands like a lion- Leon. Leon? I'm not kya. They know I'm kya? Is Leon okay? Duusu is with him..

"Leon.."- are you okay?

My words won't come out for some reason. My ear hurts.. those blue and red lights are so bright. Why is viperion waving to the.. what's over there? It's just the sky.. its snowing..

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tell you? Tell you what, chat noir? Whatd I hide? My ear.. He's close. Chat noir is very close. He looks sick and sleepy. I wonder if he has a cold from this snow..

"Get EMT now! Trauma victim!" Someone's voice I didn't know shouted. There's a victim? Why isn't chat noir and ladybug helping them? It all hurts..

I gasped. Suddenly I could breathe. My head hurt more.

"Someone shot her!" Why is everyone screaming?

"Theres an akuma!" Another.. Ladybug had to go now. Viperion was crying because his magic wasn't working.

"I-I cant! I didn't do it-" viperion is fighting with ladybug while they flew up into the sky. There's so much snow..

"Please keep breathing.." Chat noir. Why am I laying against him? My head hurts. I'm going to throw up. My ear..

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now