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That day I was sick thankfully only lasted just that day. Leon had reminded me of the charcuterie board meeting and then the next day we had it.

We invited ladybugs and chat noirs kwamis to join us. Duusu went to get plagg while leon found tikki. That was such a cute name to me. While they gathered the team, I got together the board. It was beautiful with different meats and cheese and I couldn't forget the trail mix. Leon said tikki really liked cookies. Thankfully I had these little lemon sugar cookie crackers. I placed a little bit of fruit on there for me then it was done. I brought the board to my bedroom and set it on the bed for everyone to sit comfortably.

"Kya! Look!" Leon was the first one back. I found a flying kwami that looked almost like a ladybug.

"Hi, I'm Kya" I giggled as I watched the two fly over to me.

"Its very nice to meet you! My name is tikki! Thank you for inviting me over! Ladybug told me to bring you cookies!" She said as she placed a box in my hands she's been carrying. It's from marinette's bakery, I guess that place must be super popular then.

"Thank you, I love this bakery! Someone who works there is one of my good friends" I told her with a wide smile as I placed the cookies next to the board.

"Ladybug was nervous about letting everyone get together. She said something could go wrong" Leon told me with a sigh.

"Shes right but I think it'd probably be nice if you all got to see each other again" I smiled with a little tilt of my head.

"Ophelia!" Plagg came screaming through my window and flew right into me!

"Plagg! Hey!" I laughed and hugged him back.

"You already know plagg?" Tikki asked with a big smile.

"Yeah! Who else do you think planned this meeting?" Plagg grinned proudly.

"Ophelia planned it all actually.." Leon crossed his arms.

"Tikki!" Duusu shouted as she flew inside.

"Duusu! But you-" tikki gasped when they hugged.

"Ophelia saved her! But you can't tell ladybug, only chat noir knows and we- well, we have to ask you something too!" Duusu explained as Leon came to sit on my shoulder while plagg started eating.

"What? Why me? Why haven't you told ladybug?" Tikki asked as we all began to sit down.

"Well, I didn't want to tell Chat noir either. Duusu decided she wanted to tell him. She was fighting on my behalf. So I guess it's my fault.." I sighed.

"No its not! He didn't understand how far you've come!" Duusu protested.

"Yeah!" Leon grumbled before jumping down to eat something.

"Okay so what do you need to ask me?" Tikki asked as she shoved a lemon cracker in her mouth.

"Its not something good.." I muttered and sighed. Recently, I finally developed my plan to attack hawkmoth. I'll need the fox miraculous for it...

"Like what?.." she asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, like what?" Plagg asked next with a mouth full of cheese.

"You can't tell chat noir or ladybug about this.. But I need to borrow the fox miraculous." I explained.

"Wh-What? So you want me to take it?.." Tikki asked in shock.

"I-I know i'm asking you to betray ladybug and I feel horrible for even wanting to do it but i-i can't think of another way without my own identity being leaked!" I exclaimed.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now