The Thought of Us

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During the drive back to my apartment, Adrien got a call from Natalie asking if he could come back for a minute so after he dropped me off at home, he left. Now was the perfect time for me to do some investigating though. I transformed into kya for the first time in forever then headed to the site of the party. I wore a long coat and a scarf and hat and also pulled my hair into a bun to try and disgust myself a little but I doubt it helped.

I snuck inside the building and took a look around. I searched every corner of the building. Everything was already decorated and no one would be here for at least another hour to set up so I was alone. I searched for nearly two hours here but I couldn't find anything that looked suspicious. Maybe he'll just akumatize someone again..

I started on my way back home, slowly watching the city and making sure everything was how it should be. Chat and ladybug really never needed me when it came to the public stuff. I'm glad I can do everything behind the scenes at least.


"Oh shit.." I whispered as I stopped and looked at chat noir racing towards me. "Ah, h-hey chat! Long time no see.." I greeted awkwardly, not that he could hear me yet, he was still pretty far off.

"Just what the hell did you do to Ophelia? Did you know she was going to be there?! Was it all in your little secret plan to use her to your advantage?!" Chat finally landed on the other side of the roof away from me. I wish Rena was here..

How should I even answer this?.. I just sort of stared with a blank face trying to figure it out. I need to keep my silly act going or I'll never get nuroo.. "Yes, I knew she'd be there. That I planned on." I answered chat with a look of seriousness. He looks so pissed off and upset that he's almost tearing up..

"A-And her wounds?.." his voice was shaking with anger.

"I knew someone would get hurt. I didnt know he had physical weapons.." I answered truthfully. Looking back at that day, I still can't believe what happened.. It just goes to show how dangerous hawkmoth, Gabriel, is.

"Th-The hell you didn't! Why did you do it?!" He shouted and was deep in denial.

I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, adrien.. I know you said you forgave me in the future but this is far worse than I thought would happen..

I stayed quiet as I tried to think. He spoke again before I could. His body slouched and relaxed for only a moment when he let out a laugh of a scuff. "You're not even here, are you? Like when you tried to visit Ophelia.." he asked and couldn't look at me.

"I am here. I was out looking at that party a minute ago.. I know you two found out who he was right? That's why you're going, isn't it?" I asked him as I slowly put my hands in my pockets and lowered my head. I could feel my ears press against the top of my head as the wind blew stronger. "I didn't find anything there so he must be planning a surprise attack.. You two already know that though" I glanced back to chat for a moment. He looks stunned..

"You-.." He voice was shaking as he squeezed his fists together, one that held his baton, "Youve got some nerve to stand in front of me after what you've done! You tricked ladybug and you played me for a fool!" He shouted at me as he took steps closer. I'm terrified but I won't move. Would he hurt me?.. but to him, I'm not me. To him, I'm kya, a traitor who hurt some people he really loved.

"I didnt.. everything I've told you was the truth.. It was the plan I had already told you about.." I said as I kept my head down and tried not to watch his feet stomping closer and closer.

"You didn't tell me your plan was to hurt her!" He screamed as I noticed his baton grow in his hand.

"That wasn't my plan.. Even now I'm still working on it. I'm so close.." I told him as I shut my eyes and turned my lowered head away so I wouldn't have to see him get closer. He's almost in front of me, this anxiety is horrible.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now