My Mother

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It was still my birthday so I figured I should just stay out and have fun. I kept on my hat and hoodie and went out to sit at the eiffel tower. It was only 9 pm yet It was completely empty. Instead of sitting up high, I just took a seat on the bridge where a bench was under a lampost.

"This sucks.. I can't believe mom really booked a flight to come here.." I whispered to myself as I looked up at the snow falling over my head.

"Don't worry, Ophelia, it'll be alright" duusu told me. I stopped using her miraculous just because I was scared of what it could do to me.

"I hope so.. Gabriel says he won't let me go but Adrien must really not like me.. oh god, I have to introduce him to mom too!.. Sh-Should I talk to him before that?" I asked as I brought my knees to my chest.

"Maybe you can text him tonight?" She suggested.

"He hates me.." I sighed..

"Who hates you? Certainly not me, mon cheri" Chat noir hummed out of nowhere. I wasn't on guard at all! The thought of mom has put me into a panic! I covered my head when I heard that surprising voice. I feel comforted knowing it's Chat but I was just surprised!..

"O-Oh, no one.." I said as I tried to fix myself. I sat up straight and had my feet on the ground.

"What's wrong? Were you expecting to get hurt?.." He asked as he walked around to me. He's wearing a jacket and hat like I am, except he has holes in his hat for his ears. It made me smile seeing that.

"No, not really.." I sighed as scooted over so he could sit with me. "I was informed that my family was visiting sometime tomorrow.."

"And that's bad?.. did you think I was them?" He asked and sounded so sad as he sat next to me. He stayed close and tried to be comforting but I just don't feel good.

"Yeah, maybe for a second" I gave an awkward laugh.

"So that's why you moved countries.." he muttered as my eyes widened and my stomach turned. Does he actually remember where I'm from? How did he even connect the dots like this?! "They were that bad, weren't they?.." he sighed and seemed so sad, "when you do have to see them again, be confident. Don't let them control your feelings, I don't think I could win against akumatized kya" Chat smiled as I met his green eyes that stared so softly into mine.

"Yeah.." I whispered and felt a warmth in my chest, the same that i felt the night before. A smile grew on my face too.. "I'll show you, I'll be strong" I smiled and perked up a little. I want him to be proud. I want my whole team to feel like I should be someone they really need. I'll show them I can do this. For them, for the city, and for myself.

"I know you will," he chuckled and pet the top of my head, even messing up the hat I placed so neatly, "And I'll be right here when you need me. Ladybug too but I guess she doesn't know all the secrets I do. Guess that makes me special" he hummed, almost even purring.

I stood up from our spot and stretched with a growing smile. When I was done, I looked back to chat and couldn't hide my joy, "I guess it does make you a little special. To me, anyway." I told him. The surprise on his face made me nervous but still.. Maybe I'm too confident with the mask but even so.. He knows. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled with a tilt of my head. I think he was still in too much shock at what I said that he barely even heard me, I just kinda left before it got weird..

I went home with a quick beating heart. I thought of what I'd have to say to mom some but-.. I really could only think of chat most of the time. I wonder what he thinks I meant by what I said.. I wonder if he thinks I'm a little special too somehow..

"Ophelia, were you flirting with chat noir just now?" Duusu asked after I got home and detransformed.

"Wh-What? No! Why would i?" I shouted in pure embarrassment.

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