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I had been in the hospital for the past week recovering. All of Paris soon learned what kya did. No one knew if she was actually akumatized or not. No one had seen her. Ladybug and chat noir looked for her all night and day but of course she never went to see them.

Gabriel left the hospital after a couple days. He was perfectly fine, just needed time to heal. I'm glad I didn't do much damage at least.. I thought he'd kill me, he almost did.. he's the reason my foot is gone..

Adrien hasn't been around much. I think he actually cut himself off from the world after this happened.. I've been on my own for a long while with just Leon again. Of course my other friends visited some. They made me feel so much better..

Then one day, some people who I didn't like so much came with the group.. Chloe and Lila, they were the two that I had figured destroyed my line but I didn't think about that. Chloe treated me kindly when she saw and heard what happened.. Meanwhile, lila.. had some words to say.

"Hey guys? Is it okay if I talk with Ophelia alone for a second?" Lila asked the girls; Marinette, Alya, Mylene, Julika, Rose, and Chloe. Marinette gave me a nervous look but I only smiled. Only her words will hurt me, nothing else.. So the girls left the room, some went to get snacks.

"Did you need to ask me something?" I asked with a little, sleepy smile as I looked at her.

"I was just wondering how your little fashion show went earlier. I heard it flopped" Lila was looking at her nails and spoke in a petty tone.

"Yeah, that was my fault unfortunately" I said as I kept up my smile. She glanced at me from the side of her eyes.

"Your fault? Weren't those clothes.." she paused for a moment before crossing her arms with a smile, "Shredded?" Well, I guess now I know for sure.

"Besides Felix's pants, everything was fine when we did the shoot," I shook my head happily.

"And before then? You somehow managed to just repair everything? Wasn't that the only copies of those clothes you had?" She asked and was super annoyed.

"Yeah but a designer has to be ready for her own faults. I left it with the wrong people, that was my fault" I answered as I looked at the end of my bed. Only one foot is sticking up.. I can still feel the other though..

"Yeah, that's such a shame. Who knew Adrien would do such a thing?" Lila hummed and smiled as she dropped her arms to her side.

"Sometimes you just don't know people, lier-.. Oh, it was Lila, wasn't it?" I asked and was being petty myself. I smiled the whole time.

"I think you've taken enough hits." She got serious as she slapped her hands on my bedside, "you should stay down."

Those words reminded me of Chat noir. I'm terrified to see him.. Lila noticed my change and grinned as she stood back up. "Rest up, Ophelia" she said before leaving.

I let out a soft sigh as I looked out the window. I wanna talk to my team.. But the only thing I could say is that I really hurt Ophelia and Gabriel.. This sucks..

My other friends came back inside and asked what Lila said. I just lied and smiled though so they wouldn't worry.

I was stuck in the hospital for only a week more before I was allowed to go home. My new stump was looking good and healing nicely so they weren't worried.. But I was so depressed and filled with new anxiety. All day and night I slept on a heating pad and barely ate.. Leon was so worried but he knew he couldn't go to chat noir for help anymore.

"Cubby, it's time for a bath! I've already got it started and I put all that salt in there too!" Leon called for me as he flew back to my bedside.

"Thanks Leon.." I tiredly smiled as I pushed myself up.

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