A Happy Ending

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I am Ophelia, I am Kya. I am a worrier.

Having this whole day just to spend time with Adrien meant the world to me. Not only that, but I was Kya again! The world finally got to see me and were so proud and happy with all I've done! Adrien told me we'd protrol the whole week when we aren't at work which I loved because I knew he'd be by my side doing so. As the sun fell, the lights turned on. The carnival, I should say fair, lasted all night as well. I would've loved to stay for the night portion but I had to go to an interview..

"This is Alya Césaire live at the Eiffel Tower with Paris' very own superheroes, Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Kya here to answer the world's burning questions about what happened in this almost 10 year fight against Hawkmoth!" Alya was our interviewer, thankfully. "I think we should start from the top," she directed us.

Alya ended up becoming Paris' leading news stations host after doing the ladyblog since she was a kid. I'm excited she finally got to this position, I'm not sure when it happened, though. Maybe while I was akumatized or before that?.. I wish I could've celebrated with her..

"Like a documentary? Doesn't the ladyblog already do that?" Chat asked beside me. He's all too comfortable with these interviews. I think he's really excited for this one though since everything is finally over.

To give you a visual, me, Chat, Ladybug and Alya are sitting up on the highest level of the tower alone. Alya usually has a camera man but Ladybug said it would be best it's just the 4 of us in case one of us says something they shouldn't by accident. I'm sat between Ladybug and Chat and Alya is in front of us but still within the view of the camera. I think its obvious to everyone I'm terrified of being on video as Kya..

"Well, the ladyblog doesn't have much of Kya," Alya hummed and raised her hand to me.

"Ah, that's probably a good thing.." I said nervously.

"It's a shame is what it is.." Chat hummed a long sigh as my eyes grew a bit wide and my mouth opened a gap. Is he.. Flirting? On camera?

Ladybug cleared her throat after seeing the look on my face. "I-I thought we were a secret!.." I whispered to Chat nervously leaning closer to his side.

"Who said that? I'd rather not hide anything from the public anymore if you know what I mean" Chat hummed carelessly. His Chat Noir side has really taken over.. But I'm happy seeing this again. It's been forever since he's been this way, since I've been quiet Kya. It feels like nothing happened, almost.

"Ill cut this out if you want" Alya laughed for a second to us.

"I know we should keep secrets but don't you think relationships are different than.. I dont know, superhero stuff?" Ladybug asked Chat and I. For some reason, I can't see them as just Ladybug and Chat when they're together. When the two are apart I see them as the same person. Ladybug is just the same as Marinette but when Ladybug is with Chat now, well.. It feels different.. I think I have a question I want to be answered now.

I stared down at my hands in my lap with a sort of glare in thought. I don't want to know because it won't change anything but-.. Why do I really want to know?.. Did they really kiss?..

"Whats the matter? Should we bring Viperion?" Chat smirked and played like always but it felt like Adrien saying that, not Chat.. This is all.. horrible..

"No, he has nothing to do with this stuff!" Ladybug shouted and seemed so agitated. She makes me wonder by the way she's acting if she doesn't like that Adrien and I are together. I think maybe she wants to be with him now that she knows his identity.. I think Luka thought this too which is why he was akumatized.. Was he really akumatized? Did hawkmoth make that up?-

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