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I woke up February 15th laying beside Adrien. He was still fast asleep while I was regaining my embarrassing memories. Although they're horrible, I don't want them to disappear. I don't regret last night.. So I stayed in bed longer. As long as I could hold onto what I could of Adrien.

I couldn't hold on too long. We left back home together. First he dropped me off at my apartment then he went home. He watched me walk up those stairs till he saw i got inside..
Grandma was eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Had a long night with your friends?" She asked as I ran my fingers through my messy hair.

"Little bit.." I mumbled with a smile.

"Gabriel explained to me how you're struggling to survive on your own. He offered to take you in till you graduated college too.." she sighed as a feeling of dread washed over me. How did Gabriel even find that out? "I've been trying to help you grow up for years, you can't be babied anymore. You're an adult, Ophelia" she told me as I felt my world slowly crumble.

"Yes ma'am.." I whispered and lowered my head. She was all I had left for that, to be coddled. I can't be a baby..

"I told Gabriel to make Adrien back off you as well until you could get it together. You need to focus on work and school" she said. My eyes widened in fear at that.

"Wh-What? No-" I stuttered out of sadness.

"Yes, Ollie. It's time you grow up, you're already doing a good job at it. It actually makes me happy knowing you're not goofing off with any silly models. They're just pretty faces, like your dad's real father" she's told me this a million times..

"N-No, Adrien isn't just some pretty face, grandma! He's a great man!" I exclaimed as I walked to the table where she stood.

"Trust me, he's just another pretty boy. He's not worth anythin, got me?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"No.." I whispered and shook my head, "he's way more than another face.. I-I know my real grandpa was-" I tried to protest.

"He was pretty and dumb as dirt! So is that little boy you like. It doesn't hurt to have fun but do it now, don't let it get serious" she warned me.

"But he's not dumb! We have the same college classes, we work together designing everyday!" I told her, it was almost like I was trying to prove his worth to grandma. Maybe I was.. Maybe if she really accepted him, then I would let go..

"Ophelia that's enough! You don't need a damn boyfriend in college anyway, they're too much for you to handle!" She shouted. We're the same person in every way. That's what mom told me. She hates the both of us.. So grandma and I usually fight but this hurts more more the other ones. I think it's because its about Adrien. About my feelings for him.. If grandma doesn't even like him, should I try?.. im hurting him again...

"I-I know, but he makes it a little better.." I told her as I lowered my head and felt something in my chest ache. "Hes not dumb and he's really sweet to me. He helps me a lot and it feels like he's the only one who has my back here" I tried my best to explain without being rude.

"I know Ophelia, but he's not someone you want to be serious with. Trust me. It's okay to play around in college but you don't need to get too involved" she sighed as she cleaned out her cereal bowl in the sink and let it dry.

"But what even is serious? Going on dates every week? Taking care of each other?" I asked and really didn't know anything. I thought maybe Adrien was teaching me how to go about this stuff but maybe that's not true.

"Look, I don't care what you do or who you mess around with. I'm just telling you to be careful with guys like him, you don't know what they're hiding-" what hes.. hiding?.. If he were hiding something, wouldn't I have found out by now? Does he know about his father being hawkmoth? What if he did? Would he be on his dad's side?

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