Just Relax

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Lately all I've been doing is work and stressing out and since it's the weekend, I threw a party. I-I mean, not me specifically but y'know. Everyone was there, finally including Zoe. She ranted for forever about the suit I made her which made me super happy. Then we got into talking about the fake thing between Adrien and I. Nino and Alya thought it was the funniest thing in the world and laughed for about 30 minutes.

We were all at zoes home, she was the host because she lived at this nice hotel where I went to lunch with Gabriel once. There were a lot of drinks..

"Hey, come take shots with us!" Alya shouted at me from where everyone was standing around a table with a bunch of shot glasses.

"Give me like 20 minutes!" I shouted back and was trying to hurry this up. I've been working on this one sketch all day and I'm so close to finishing! Its for the fashion show and it's almost time for me and Gabriel to switch work!

"Come on, you don't have to work all the time. My father will understand" Adrien told me with a tilted head and smile.

"That's not professional at all, adrien.." I mumbled and stared at my drawing in anger. I can't get this detail right.. "I have to be punctual, there's a deadline, y'know?" I grumbled as I looked up with a glare only to finally notice Adrien who just snatched my sketchbook, "Hey! Give it back!" I shouted and got up quickly.

"Claws are out!" Nino shouted, laughing.

"Beat him up, Ophelia!" Zoe giggled.

"Give it!" I shouted and jumped up to take my book back but he's too tall!

"Nope, not till you take a shot!" Adrien smiled and put his free hand on his hip. I growled in annoyance at that. Finally someone helped me out, Luka dead legged Adrien so I could grab my book.

"Why don't you take double the shots for me?" I asked with a smirk as I watched him straighten up.

"Oo.." alya hummed and started video taping the little fight.

"Why don't you just have fun? You're so serious!" Adrien said before he jumped at me. I tried to run away but then he grabbed me! "No! Hey, let go, agreste!" I growled and slapped his arm but he wouldn't budge.

"Are you gonna put down the sketch book?" He hummed and was trying to push my buttons.

"No! There's a deadline!" I shouted and tried to kick my legs away but then he picked me up! He literally threw me over his shoulder. "Ah! N-No, I'll throw up! I swear I will!" I threatened which made everyone start cracking up.. yet.. I noticed a sad look on Marinette's face.. Did I do something? Is she alright?

"Im not letting you down till you drop the book!" Adiren shouted and paraded around the room with me over his shoulder.

"Ugh.. ill just die.." I mumbled and started feeling sick from being upside down, "yknow, what?.." I grumbled before doing something. I flipped myself off his shoulder and miraculously landed up right then I kicked my foot under his legs so he'd fall.

"Oh!!" Everyone shouted when they saw that.

"Try it again, buddy. I won't go easy on you" I grinned and crossed my arms.

Adrien sighed with a big smile on his face and let his head fall back against the floor.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back" Marinette smiled and gestured to the bathroom in the other room. Was it me?..

"Americans really don't mess around" Luka chuckled at what I had done.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick too. Stay down, agreste" I told him as I tossed my sketch book on the couch.

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