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Today is February 13th, just one day before valentines day. Adrien and I are still together, in name only. I haven't let myself get close to him again, not after what mom did. It was also the day that Gabriel put a little bit more of his trust in me..

"Today I'll be showing you something I've kept secret from everyone, even Adrien," Gabriel told me as he took me to his office. He found me in my own office and told me he had something special for me to see. He said it will help me in my work. "Its different to find peace in public with the recognition we have now, so I've created my own safe space. Somewhere to help me focus and gather my thoughts" he explained as he took me behind his desk-.. he pressed the button on his painting..

"Wh-What? You have a secret room under your office?" I asked in surprise. I was shocked he'd dare let me go here. Which room was he talking about?

"This place is only for you and I to visit. It's the only quiet place in all of paris" he smiled and slowly showed me to the garden room. I pretend like I was seeing it for the first time. Hesitantly looking closer, i noticed it's beautiful..

"Whats that?.." I asked and looked toward a capsule. I noticed it before but didn't think about it.

"It holds every bit of love I have for my wife.." he told me as we slowly walked over. I couldn't see inside. The glass was foggy.. "I trust only you with this secret. Not even Adrien can know" Gabriel put his hand on my shoulder with a smile.

"But why, sir?.. this place is beautiful, it's a room I've always dreamed of being in alone but-.. How could you trust me so easily?" I asked as I looked up to him.

"Because I think of you as my close family, Ophelia. In a way, I want to give you back the childhood you never got to have, same as me.. I see a lot of myself in you." He smiled. If I didn't know he was hawkmoth, I think I'd feel better about this situation. It still means the world to me, even if he is a criminal.. he hurt so many.. why would he do this though? I-I dont want to fight him! Not after all he's done for me, but what can I even do?...

"That means the world to me.." I smiled as I lowered my head, "Thank you, I'll keep this secret forever" I looked up to him again with mixed emotions. That look of joy on his face made me feel even worse. He really can trust me.. can't he?.. I dont know!..

Beside the thought of hawkmoth and stuff, tomorrow was mine and Gabriel's fashion show. It will be a very long day.. But before it started, I was congratulated.

"Its your debut as a serious fashion designer, so I thought I'd give you something to congratulated you" Adrien told me with a smile as he handed me a small bouquet of carnations and Jasmine flowers. Ive-.. never been given flowers before..

My heart was beating out of my chest and my eyes were peeled wide open as I stared at these beautiful flowers in my hands. How did he even know what flowers I loved? Did he guess? Were these just the cheapest ones?.. I dont know.. But I love them.. I love that he gave them to me..

I took a deep breath in with my shoulders slowly raising as I looked up to meet his eyes beaming with joy. Can he see the childlike sparkle in my eyes? Does he see how much this means to me? Does he see what this does to me?.. i-.. I want to let go..

"Ophelia, you look gorgeous!" Zoe snuck up behind me. We're in her hotel, in the ballroom where we had set up a beautiful runway.

"Th-Thank you!" I exclaimed as I turned to her with a giant blush on my face.

"Hey Zoe, here to watch? Maybe Ophelia will even model her own clothes too" Adrien spoke as he stood beside me while I held these flowers tight.

"U-Uh, e-excuse me for a second-.." I said before quickly walking off to my private room where I was allowed to get ready this morning and relax. I went straight to the mirror to see the damage on my face, I was bright red! I look like a little girl!

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