Finally, We Dance.

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I flew up into the night sky without even trying to hide myself. I felt at home as I soared up higher and higher then quickly falling back down. I went to the party and kept hidden. While hiding, rena found me.

"Whatcha doin?" Rena asked and sat next to me.

"Watching.. Hawkmoth trusts Ophelia. He told her his identity. She was told not long ago to hide for a because things are about to get loud.." I let out a soft sigh.

"Chat noir and ladybug left to change a little while ago. They're here now" viperion came and sat on the other side of me. I sighed and put my head in my hands as I watched chat noir walk down that pretty carpet with ladybug on his arm.. they both look so good.. "I wish they had come at different times.." viperion muttered and had his head in his hand.

"Really? I know why kyas so sad but what's got you down viperion?" Rena grinned and looked over at us.

"Oh.." My eyes widened a little. She doesn't know?.. "I know everyone's identities but yours rena, do you know ladybug and I in real life?.." I asked and looked at her.

"Wait, what?! You know everyone?!..' she whisper shouted to me in shock.

"I know her identity," Viperion muttered to me.

"You must know ladybug personally if you're her secret.. Wait a second-" I stopped myself with wide eyes when I realized.

"Shhh!.. easy on the names there.." she hushed me. Alya.. "Then you're ladybugs boyfriend, right? I always knew it.." rena grinned.

"Yeah, of course you did,'' Viperion sighed as I watched a butterfly race towards the building. It was.. Big..  then finally, everything blew up in flames. It was.. More than anyone could expect.

"O-Oh my god.." I whispered as I got up with the others.

"We have time, stay back!" Rena told me as I moved forward. He's there, Adrien could be hurt! Everyone could be hurt!.. But the flames didn't burn. No, they weren't even hot. It was an illusion like no other. While citizens ran, ladybug and Chat noir stayed to fight. The flames lost their battle and so did the Akuma. That was only the beginning though. Hawkmoth was genuinely here. So finally, it was my turn to fight. Viperion and Rena were on standby while I finished my fight. Hawkmoth didn't know I was here. He controlled and sent out many akumas while I waited for my chance then took it.

I don't know where anyone was, I was alone but that was fine. Hawkmoth and I battled till we both were bleeding and torn to shreds but even then we didn't stop.

"Give me nuroo and we won't have any more issues" I threatened as we both stood a bloody mess facing off.

"So you could hurt him too? I know what happened to duusu." He told me as I raised my chest painfully.

"Im done now." I muttered as I pushed my hair back with my blood and sweat. "Roar of dawn!" As I said those words, you could hear me roar them. The ground trembled and buildings began to crumble as I watched my light turn his illusions to dust. My light didn't stop shining and led everyone to me. Everything pure in the world shined and burned the dark dead. My light led ladybug and chat noir to us but rena and viperion held them back for me.

"You will no longer have the power to cause the city of Paris the daily pain you have put on its citizens and its heros." My eyes were growing white and left no trace of the person I really was. All I could see was hawkmoth then a terrified Gabriel. "Today you've finally met your end as a tyrant. You will no longer hurt anyone therefore the city's saviors are free of the burden of carrying these citizens on their backs." Red and black dots. Just 2, one red, one black, close yet too far to touch us. "Gabriel Agreste, your goal to bring back your wife Emily will forever parish and wither for the sake of all of humanity and your own soul." It was now that I realized these words weren't mine, no, they were someone much more godly that used my being to speak. "As of today I relinquish you're ability to use the miraculous of the butterfly to cause another being further harm." Finally my body moved.

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