Growing Trust

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I stayed out of trouble for 1 more week till I was totally better. I felt amazing and even started going back to classes. It was so boring in class though. I had already learned this same lesson in New York so the whole time I was here, I just drew stars and planet on the inside cuffs of my jeans. I even drew a funny frog wearing a wizards hat. My next class had Adrien in it. I didn't realize we had a class together, this class is called fashion and modeling. I'm never going to model but I figured it'd help if I learned how in order to get better at my work somehow. Adrien sat a row above me. I paid attention more here but I just kept drawing on my jeans the whole time too. The poses the professor described were horrible but they showed off the clothin very well. I guess now I understand a bit more.

That was my last class for today so I packed up my things. I intended to go right home but I sort of got stuck talking. "Ophelia! Hey, I didn't know you modeled" adiren called just after I passed by him. Honestly, I forgot he was here too for a second.

"I definitely don't model. I'm just taking this class to learn more about how to make my designs better" I gave a crooked smile as we left the building together.

"Oh wow, I guess I didn't think of that" he chuckled and felt awkwardly far away from me. "A-Are you planning on going out somewhere? The weather is finally supposed to be nice today" he asked with a quick stutter I didn't notice.

"I was just gonna go home but lunch sounds pretty good right about now" I shrugged and wondered where I should go eat.

"I know this great cafe nearby. Marinette and Alya used to go everyday" he exclaimed quickly to me. He almost sounds nervous. Is he sick too?

"I don't suppose you wanna show me where that cafe is?" I grinned a little when I finally realized he just wanted to hang out.

"Y-Yeah, let's go" he nodded and looked almost scared of me. When we first met, I really didn't like him but he's kind of a cutie. I mean, he acts like a little kid. He's adorable. "So.. have you ever thought about modeling? It might be fun for you" adiren asked just to start up a conversation.

"I actually started designing clothes because I was a model" I gave an awkward laugh. Yeah, hilarious, I was a model in high school..

"Whoa, what?" He asked and looked surprised and happy.

"My mom wanted me to but I really didn't like it so I started designing instead.. It might be fun now that I'm a little older but I don't think I wanna try that again" I explained as memories came back to me. Eventually I know I'd tell everyone my past, I talk too much not to. It's all so rough though, it sounds like a bad drama movie. It was my normal though..

"My dad made me start when I was young but it's not all bad. I don't exactly have an other plans either" he chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"I actually wanted to be a tattoo artist at one point" I told him with a little grin. The shocking look on his face made me smile even more.

"No way! Really? Why aren't you?" He asked quickly and loved the idea of my past dream.

"Well I realized that everyone has different wants for tattoos and some are kinda.. weird.. Also, there's not exactly a major for tattooing. Designing is much less stress anyway" I shrugged as Adrien pointed us to this nice shop that really wasn't far from school. It was seriously beautiful and there were couples everywhere. "Wow, it's so pretty.." I awed at everything.

"Hey, can I get you two seated?" The hostess at the front asked the two of us with a happy smile. I looked to adiren in wonder, did he wanna stay with me? I decided by the nervousness in his face, it was probably a yes. Guys in Paris arent quite as friendly as they are in America. Maybe they're just cautious?

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