Halfway There

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Things have been going a little better for me lately. I haven't heard that sad voice anymore in my dreams and I've also been close to finding out who shadow moth is, I think. I've kept everything to myself but I've managed to sway ladybug into telling me what miraculous shadow moth has. The peacock and the butterfly. She showed me what the two looked like which helped me realize.. that I know where the peacock miraculous was. I've seen it in the estate, it belonged to a woman.. till I stole it. I found it on a shelf surrounded by other little things and replaced it with a fake I created. I destroyed all the evidence I had of it then I went back home. I took my sketchbook and some other little things with me.

"Ophelia, be safe driving home tonight. It's already late" Gabriel smiled at me at the front door. I acted just the same as usual.

"Thank you sir, I will! Have a good night!" I waved bye with a big smile before getting in my car. I drove home to my apartment, took everything inside then I put on the broach.

"Oh! Are you my new master?" A little peacock came out.

"Duusu!" Leon shouted and hugged her tight.

"Leon! Oh, I'm so glad! My last master was so horrible, they worked with hawkmoth!" Duusu shouted but I could only smile. I saved her..

"My name is Ophelia, I hold the miraculous of the lion. For now, I need to keep you hidden, okay? I don't want chat noir or ladybug knowing I have you for now" I explained to her while leon held her hand.

"Okay, but why? Shouldn't I go back with my guardian?" She asked me nicely.

"No! This is top secret, they don't know that cubby secretly saved you which means shadowmoth doesn't know either!" Leon explained to her.

"Oh!" She hummed, "okay, I promise I won't tell anyone! I'll always stay with you!" She exclaimed and flew around me giggling.

"Good," I giggled, "you don't don't happen to know who shadowmoth is, do you?" I asked, smiling.

"No, I'm so sorry. He was always using nuroo before using me.." she muttered sadly.

"That's okay, I'll save him too" I smiled as she sat on my shoulder. "Do you wanna snack?" I asked.

"Oh yes! I'm so hungry!" She shouted while I giggled and showed her to the pantry. I had a little box of trail mix in there that she went wild for but leon stuck with his jerky.

"Why is your miraculous broken, duusu? Are you okay?.." I asked when I finally noticed the cracks.

"Oh I forgot! You can't transform with me or you'll get hurt! Because my miraculous is cracked, my powers become unstable and I could hurt you!" She explained to me.

"So the old holders hurt themselves knowing this?.. They're horrible.." I whispered out of sadness.

"Yeah.." she sighed.

"But now you're with us! We'll win!" Leon shouted happily.

"Yeah!" Duusu shouted with more joy while I giggled.

I stayed with my kwamis all day just talking about things. I caught Duusu up to speed about what's happening in the world and such and who I was. We became great friends, leon said she was his very best friend too. It makes me happy I could bring them back to each other.

I had work the next day though. I kept duusu's miraculous in a safe at home. It was something I bought online years ago and never threw away. I hid it somewhere in my apartment and made sure she stayed home. When I got to the estate I started working on some designs. I already had everything sketched out so now I was working on cutting fabric. Adrien had some modeling shoot to do so he couldn't help.. but when I got here, I noticed some of my things were moved around. They noticed the miraculous was gone but who?.. there's so many people in this place working everyday, I couldn't possibly figure out who it'd be.

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