Pulling Through

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I went to bed with a smile on my face that night early. I woke up fairly early with an odd motivation to go for a walk. At least now I'd get to try out this new leg.. So I pulled it out from where I hid it and put it on. I grabbed my crutches and got dressed. I had to wear some warmer clothes because it's close to late October now. I put on leggings and some boots and a comfortable sweater and hat then I quietly made my way out of my room. No one was around so it was easy to sneak to the front.. then I was caught.

Someone cleared their throat behind me so I stopped. "Damn it.." i whispered and lowered my head before turning around with an awkward smile. "Oh.." I sighed in relief when I saw Adrien.

"Did the rest of your leg grow back overnight?" He asked with a smile and crossed arms from at the top of the steps.

"Uh yeah, I've gotta go stretch it, don't want it to uh.. Fall off..?" I tried to figure out a lie but it was bad so I hurried to try and get to the door handle but he stopped me again.

"And you're going alone?" He asked smuggly. I groaned and lowered my head again.

"Ill be okay.." I said as I grabbed the handle and opened the door. I used my crutches to get outside but it was hard getting over the lift on the floor where the doors would lock. The first step I took with these crutches, one of them caught the bottom of the door. I ended up falling forward but managed to grab onto the second closed door and put my new prosthetic down. "Mn.." I bit my lip and lowered my head in pain. It still hurts to walk on and now one of my crutches are on the floor. I slowly looked up and past the gates.. that bakery is too far away for me to walk like this.. I breathed out a sigh as I lowered my head and shut my eyes. This is so much harder than it should be..

"Cmon," Adrien said as he walked up from behind me down the stairs and to the door. I slowly leaned over to pick up my crutch but Adrien got to it first. "We should hurry before Natalie catches us" he smiled as I looked at him. He gave me the crutch and then wrapped a scarf around his neck after putting on a jacket.

"I was gonna go alone.." I said as I walked past the doorway and outside. Stairs.. I stopped at the edge as my mind raced with ideas on how to get down but they all ended up with me falling on my face or sliding down them.

"But it's always more fun with a friend" he told me before he just picked me up!

"Wh-What are you doing?" I asked and was totally at a loss. What the hell just happened?

"Helping you down" he hummed. He's so bubbly today..

"I didn't need help!" I raised my voice and made him put me down. We were at the bottom now. "Im not helpless! I-I can handle myself!" I told him as a feeling of embarrassment washed over me. They all treat me like I'm totally helpless and broken! I'm fine! "Go-.." I paused in anger as I tried to think of something to say, "-..back inside or something.. im just going to see Marinette.." I said before slowly wobbling off on my own. "Hmph.." I blew out my stream as I walked past the gates.

There were a lot of people out today. Not many noticed me, they just saw where I came from, the estate. Besides.. I doubt anyone would come up to me with adrien following me from behind.

"Go away, agreste.." I grumbled as I kept going down the sidewalk.

"Oh? Ophelia, what a coincidence! We're going the same way!" He exclaimed with a happy, bubbly attitude. He's really pushing my buttons but I'm not mad.. I don't think I'd wanna be alone with how many looks I'm getting.

"Gee, I wonder why.." I muttered and kept walking. Everyone stared at me while I watched the ground. As I've taken each step, I'm lightly pressing my prosthetic to the ground. I didn't have time to notice those who saw me..  But i did see a spark of red in the sky, ladybug.

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