New Line

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It's finally warmer weather out! And guess what else? I'm all better and my fashion collection is finished! It's 1900s romance in the park and I'm so ready for the shoot. I've always had a thing for fashion of the past which makes me more than excited to model this time around. Although, I had a little help finishing up and it wasn't adrien..

"There's no loose strings? It doesn't look too tight and the boning isn't sticking out?" I asked as I stared at myself in the mirror.

"Peaches, you look beautiful, no one will even look at the dress!" It was chat noir.. He's been coming around nearly every day to visit and take care of me till I was all healed up again.

"The whole point of making the dress was to show it off! Ugh.. Hey, wait, maybe Marinette would model with me!" I exclaimed as I raced to get my phone.

"Marinette? Your friend?" Chat asked happily as he stayed sitting on my bed happily watching me race around in this pretty dress.

"Of course! She's a designer herself, she'd know exactly what needs help! She's already helped me enough with these-'' I explained as I rang her phone. "Marinette! I need help, can you come over? Please?" I begged while chat quietly and laughed at my plees.

"Right now? Well I was supposed to have a date with luka.. Wait, is it for the dresses?" She asked quickly.

"Oh-.. yeah, but if you have a date, I don't wanna ruin that.." I smiled as I turned away from Chat.

"What about tonight? I think I can get everyone together at the ship and we can see what they think. Deal?" She asked happily.

"Yes! Thank you mari! That's awesome!" I shouted happily.

"Yeah, no problem! I'll see you tonight then!" She told me happily.

"Yeah, bye!" I said smiling. I let out a happy sigh as I hung up.

"Meeting tonight somewhere? Can't I join?" Chat asked with a little pouty face.

"No, you can't join.." I giggled and shook my head, "but tomorrow you can sit in on my photo shoot. Just don't be so obvious, okay?" I laughed a little.

"No promises, peaches," he hummed as he got up off my bed and stretched. "Well, I might as well do some work before heading home" he said before coming up and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, "i'll see ya tomorrow, peaches!" He shouted before leaving me to myself.

I let out a deep sigh as my smile slowly grew. "He's so affectionate, Ophelia! Adrien would never be like this, right?" Duusu asked happily.

"Yeah, sure.." Leon grumbled while duusu bumped him like he said something wrong.

"Do you not like chat, leon?" I asked with a short laugh as I closed the balcony so I could start changing into my normal outfit.

"I just think he gets a little too close to you is all.. at least Adrien has some common decency.." Leon grumbled while Duusu rolled her eyes.

"I'm glad Adrien's father decided to finally end the whole relationship thing, you didn't have to say anything to Adrien! I don't think he was mad about it either" duusu ranted with a sigh. That's true, Gabriel did have us end the relationship to help save me from the media. They tried to get so involved into our lives and we can't just lie so easily..

"Do you think he has a real girlfriend?" Leon asked, "like you're dating Chat noir, maybe he's dating.. Mn, Kya?" Leon grinned, getting another bump from duusu.

"Older chat told me to stay away from adrien as kya.. Maybe Adrien stole me from him.. maybe that's why it was selfish.." I whispered and was in total awe. I have so many questions about the future..

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now