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I've been at the estate for the past week and I've begun to feel better. I had help when taking care of myself and I had access to anything I wanted like art supplies. I kind of just created pictures of pirates though. I even made myself a pirate once.

Once a day Adrien would stop by. Sometimes he'd stay for a few hours till I fell asleep for a catnap or he'd stay a minute because he had a photoshoot. Today he got to stay a while.

"You would make a good pirate. You've already got the peg leg going" Adrien chuckled. We had been joking and giggling for hours already. It's about 7pm and we're still just going on and on.

"Now I know what to be for Halloween" I giggled and laid on my side facing him. I finally had all my stitches taken out this week. Now I'm just a little scared.

"Speaking of, my father is hosting a Halloween ball so I guess I won't be around that night" Adrien told me and doesn't seem happy.

"You do realize we're stuck in the same boat?" I smiled with a little tilt of my head. He smiled hearing that. "Unless you have a certain girl you're trying to go out with that night" I hummed and teased.

"Maybe.. didn't you have any plans for that night? Maybe for someone secret?" He teased back while I giggled.

"No plans.." I shook my head and smiled as I looked out the window. He wouldn't want to see me anyway.. "I would probably just stay home anyway.." only because I still feel stuck..

"You have plans now though" he smiled as I sighed and smiled.

"I guess we need costumes right? Something classy and spooky" I hummed as I looked at him.

"Do you have anything in mind?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"Uhh.." I hummed and immediately thought of chat. "Well, I could always be a pirate," I shrugged.

"No, something fun" he laughed as he stood up and stretched.

"We could be superheros? I bet you'd look good in black and red dots" I grinned.

"Like ladybug? Only if you'd be my chat noir" he hummed as he laid on his back next to me. His legs hung over the side of the bed and he stared up at the ceiling. I curled up a little more and looked at him.

"Or.." I hummed and got nervous at the thought of my suggestions, "Ah, Nevermind. I'm sure I'd rock a black dress anyway" I shook my head and smiled.

"Who else were you thinking?" He asked and looked over to me.

"I was gonna suggest kya" I gave an awkward laugh while I watched his face change into a mixture of sadness and anger. "I know it's a tough subject but I still like her.." I muttered as I turned on my back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Why?.. She lied to everyone and hurt you and my father for no reason.." he asked and wasn't happy.

"Well.. its kinda like how I feel about my mom..." I said before yawning. He looked at me and wanted to hear. "Um.. the reason-" I began but almost confused chat with Adrien. I was about to tell him why I was crying when Chat found me. "I-I mean, she used to be a good mom, y'know? And I still care I guess but it's only because I have proof of her old love for me.." I explained but made him so confused.

"What proof?.. And what do you have of kya that ever said she was good?.." he asked as he looked away. He's almost pouting.

"When I was 19 I found a suicide note my mom wrote to me in 2016.." I told him and smiled a little. His eyes widened but he couldn't bring himself to look at me.

"Im.. sorry.." he muttered. I think I shouldn't have even started on this but I want to look out for kya anyway because no one knows why she did what she did.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now